[Vision2020] Not a city resident

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 24 19:36:29 PDT 2005


I am not a political science major, I already got that
degree. I never suggested blocking anything or
changing any law-- Just pointing out that I do not
like it when someone from another neighborhood comes
to my neighborhood association meeting and starts
demanding where dogs be allowed to poop and how tall
the trees in yards should be. I am not suggesting, as
your straw-man argument was built on, that we bar that
person from the next US senate election, apply duck
tape, or revoke their constitutional rights, just
pointing out that the person(s) complaining most in
the room about the leaders of the neighborhood and
their policies do not even live in the neighborhood
they are complaining about.

City code is city only. Where city code impacts those
outside the city it is regulated by the county, state,
and federal government where others not living in the
city have an equal say. But for city code, it is
strictly a city matter, and only those that share in
the heavy burden of living in the city, higher
property taxes and city fees, and legally have to
follow those decisions of the city at home, should be
allowed to vote. Those passing through, or here for
just the day, are not residents, but only visitors.

Ted, if you honestly believe, as you espouse, that
people who do not live in this city have a voice in
"LOCAL ONLY" matters you should be working to get them
the basic right of all, the right to vote. And do not
forget Pullman residents right to vote in Moscow
either, they work and shop in Moscow, and some send
their kids here too.

Take Care,


> residents who reside outside Moscow city limits, for
> the city that is the 
> economic/cultural/political hub within which such
> residents often spend the most of 
> their dollars and waking hours, a city that may be
> where their children or 
> grandchildren also spend most of their waking,
> learning and socializing hours?  If 
> traffic problems, violence or bigotry, etc. might
> endanger their child 
> attending school in Moscow, do you think that
> because a parent lives outside Moscow 
> City limits, they should be denied a means to
> influence events inside Moscow 
> involving city government?
> I am only pointing out what Donovan and almost
> everyone on Vision2020 knows, 
> so Donovan's doubts regarding Rose's right to be
> politically active in Moscow 
> City politics smacks of the same kind of biased
> personally motivated attack 
> that he claims he is speaking against.
> Disagree with Rose on substantive issues if you
> must, but suggesting she 
> should not be politically active in Moscow City
> politics because she resides 
> outside the city limits is an attempt to silence
> rightful political speech and 
> conduct.
> Ted Moffett
> >
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