[Vision2020] Apology

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Sep 14 20:51:52 PDT 2005

Arnold stated:

"I do expect people that are 25-125% older than me, with Master's Degrees
and PhD's to boot, many working the University, to be more mature than me, a
person barely in adulthood with only a Bachelor degree and a disability that
impacts my ability to always properly read social ques. You bet I expect it,
and I know you, Hansen, Fox, Jackie, Rose Lund, and more are more than
capable of it."

I assume by your statement that you believe that there is a direct
correlation between a person's maturity level and their level of formal
education.  Wrong.

Another thing, Arnold - Respect is NOT automatic.  It is earned.

Like you, Arnold, I, too, have a Bachelor degree and a disability.  My
degree is in Management Information Systems and I have been rated at 40%
disabled by the Army upon my retirement with 20 years of service in July

We each possess a degree and each of us possesses a disabling limitation.
That is where our similarities end.  And I am extremely grateful for that. 

A year or so ago you expressed (right here on V2020) a joke that you thought
was funny.  We were discussing military service.  You made at joke about a
couple extremely close friends of mine that lost their lives in Vietnam.
Maybe you didn't know their names (John Wiggins and Dale Roderick).  You
didn't even know where they were from (John lived in Calhoun, Louisiana and
Dale lived in Bangor, Maine).  You simply thought your joke was funny.  For

Take care, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"If not us, who?
If not now, when?"

- Unknown

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