[Vision2020] Apology

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 20:18:17 PDT 2005

A couple of things I need to say here.

First, I want to apologize for saying some things I
should not have said to Joan Opyr. My personal attack
on her, although in direct response to her attacking
me first, was not appropriate for a public forum. So I

Second, while I do not deny nor defend my personal
attacks on some people which I have only ever done
when the person I attacked, attacked me first, or
attacked someone else in the community unfairly,
harshly, and/or in a despicable manner first.

Third, many of you like to gang up on people, anyone
outside your "pack", but I am your favorite. For
example, Joan will launch a personal attack on me
first, so I respond, and Hansen calls me on making a
response as though I started it. This is WAY to biased
and your typical behavior. 

Fourth, Joan remarked, "Why is it that when anyone
writes that he or she hates to say it, but they agree
with Donovan" The answer is simple, anyone that agrees
with Donovan on Vision 2020 gets ripped a new asshole
by Joan, Wayne, Hansen, Jackie, Saundra, and a few
others for daring to have a different opinion. So they
remain quiet and private email me. I have a few dozen
private emails from people each month. I have lots of
Liberals, Conservatives, and Moderates, some prominent
people in this community, and even friends with Joan,
Hansen, and the gang, but hesitate to express their
opinion in public because they do not want to be
treated the way you treat me. They want to avoid that
thrashing, even your friends. 

The truth is that many of you on here, particularly,
Joan, Jackie, Tom, Rose, and Wayne, are just outright
mean people to anyone and almost everyone that differs
with you, your friends even tell me so. I am one of
the few stupid enough to stand against your cruelty to
others in our community.  

Your cruelty has not limits or rules. The lot of you,
for example, just tear into Pat Kraut as a person, as
thought she is not allowed to express a opinion. this
is wrong.

Next, I do not make excuses for my misbehavior. I know
that responding to a nasty email to me with another
nasty email is wrong. I do not defend my behavior as
being appropriate or OK because this is Vision 2020 or
the person said something I did not like. I respond to
nasty emails because it is a reaction and weakness to
respond to cruel comments. 

Finally, Joan Opyr writes:"Perhaps the poster expects
the rest of us to be more mature than Donovan?"

Yes, Joan, yes I do. I do expect people that are
25-125% older than me, with Master's Degrees and PhD's
to boot, many working the University, to be more
mature than me, a person barely in adulthood with only
a Bachelor degree and a disability that impacts my
ability to always properly read social ques. You bet I
expect it, and I know you, Hansen, Fox, Jackie, Rose
Lund, and more are more than capable of it.

Donovan J Arnold 

--- Joan Opyr <joanopyr at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Dear Visionaries:
> Why is it that when anyone writes that he or she
> hates to say it, but they agree with Donovan, it is
> always because Donovan has chosen to castigate the
> rest of us for doing something of which he himself
> is grotesquely guilty, e.g., rudely personalizing a
> political discussion?  Perhaps the poster expects
> the rest of us to be more mature than Donovan?  If
> so, that's too bad.  This list, while informative,
> entertaining, and often downright fun, is also, like
> most other chat groups, high school all over again. 
> We blow off steam as we each see fit, and there's
> been plenty of steam to go around of late. 
> Post-Katrina, this place has been quite the pressure
> cooker.  
> Do some of us sometimes go too far?  Of course.  But
> it's largely harmless, and I say (in general) hooray
> for the pressure valve.  Sometimes, it's post an
> insult or bust wide open.  You don't want to read
> about Donovan's butt or Dale Courtney's comb-over? 
> Then my advice is to delete.  My greatest concern
> isn't that I have to read about these things, but
> that I occasionally have to view them.
> In the immortal words of Alice Roosevelt, if you
> don't have anything nice to say about someone, then
> come sit by me.
> Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment
> www.auntie-establishment.com
> PS: To take this to the national level, I've
> discovered that the only effective counter-irritant
> to George W. Bush's perpetual smirk is a good, stiff
> vodka.  As we're in for three more years of that
> smirk, I fear that my liver will wind up the size of
> a backpack.  Any good vodka drink recipes, anyone? 
> I like kamikazes, but I long for some variation.    
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