[Vision2020] FEMA Director Mike Brown Resigns

Pat Kraut pkraut at moscow.com
Mon Sep 12 13:19:01 PDT 2005

On ABC's web site there is a chat room I read today that had some info on it. I didn't remember it either but Brown has been in charge of FEMA for awhile. He helped handle other hurricanes and fires in the west with few problems. However the locals also had things at their level in hand before FEMA got there. The problem with Louisiana seems to be that they had already had trouble with the evacuations during Ivan and other hurracanes and the city wasn't cooperative about doing it again. And according to one post from NO the mayor knew the problems had not been fixed. Also, the drivers for the school buses and the city have been at odds for some time so they were gone even if the city had tried to send them out. Could have gotten others to drive them it occurs to me but the tort claims would be astronomical. Forgotten in all this is that Katrina hit Florida also, much milder yes but it was there and we have heard not much from them...because the local governments handled so much of it. They have lots of them so they do know what to do and so should Louisiana. Contrary to what Phil has said I agree that the FEMA response not handled right. But, it was a domino effect situation. But by the time FEMA got there it was such already a mess. It was not however Bush's fault nor was it really Brown. It was a mess from beginning to end. The Gov and Mayor should just admit they blew it and resign.  It is honorable of Brown to resign when he has been crucified by the media and he wasn't really totally at fault. 
Kai I couldn't agree with you more! As winter comes I stock up on foods, candles and other survival materials. I have been here when we had three feet of snow on the ground and it snowed 11 inches in one day. I lived out on the end of Orchard Av at the time, we couldn't go anywhere for days but the power stayed on. When Mt St Helens blew I had water and other stuff because they had been announcing for weeks that 'something' was going to happen. My brother lives just below Dallas and he has preparations for tornadoes and a family plan. I don't care how poor you are they should have been more ready themselves. BUT Kai, surely you know that you will be called many rude things for this post!!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tbertruss at aol.com 
  To: vision2020 at moscow.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 12:21 PM
  Subject: [Vision2020] FEMA Director Mike Brown Resigns 


  Embattled FEMA Director Mike Brown Resigns 

  By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer 8 minutes ago 

  Federal Emergency Management Agency director Mike Brown said Monday he has resigned "in the best interest of the agency and best interest of the president," three days after losing his onsite command of the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

  "The focus has got to be on FEMA, what the people are trying to do down there," Brown told The Associated Press.

  His decision was not a surprise. Brown was abruptly recalled to Washington on Friday, a clear vote of no confidence from his superiors at the White House and the Department of Homeland Security. Brown had been roundly criticized for FEMA's bearish response to the hurricane, which has caused political problem for Bush and fellow Republicans.

  "I'm turning in my resignation today," Brown said. "I think it's in the best interest of the agency and the best interest of the president to do that and get the media focused on the good things that are going on, instead of me."

  Brown, who said he last talked to Bush five or six days ago, said the resignation was his idea. He spoke on Saturday to White House chief of staff Andy Card, who did not request his departure, according to Brown.

  He said he feared he was becoming a distraction to FEMA's relief effort.

  "I came to the conclusion that this was in the best interest of not just the administration and not just me, but FEMA," he said. "They need to be focused on the continuing efforts in the Gulf."

  Shortly after Brown was recalled to Washington last week, officials close to the FEMA director said he would likely resign. They said that even before Katrina, Brown had been planning on leaving the administration late this fall to go into the private sector.

  Vision2020 Post by Ted Moffett


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