[Vision2020] Lack of Compassion

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Tue Sep 6 21:18:17 PDT 2005

It seems to bring you a great deal of comfort to keep this going, Pat, and 
so all I can say is that while you take comfort in heads rolling, I'll be 
praying for hearts softening -- mine, yours, and all of ours.


From: "Pat Kraut" <pkraut at moscow.com>
To: "vision2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Lack of Compassion
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 19:14:36 -0700

So, the day the storm was hitting Florida and they were saying that it was
coming up the coast they couldn't have filled a jug?? Even at a category 1
hurricane surely that would have made sense. Long before the roads flooded
and the mayor stopped the buses running something could have been done.
Now, I am hearing a lot on the radio, C-span and emails from friends and
relatives in the south about the problems how they were and weren't handled.
Heroes are everywhere as are scum and the evil just as in any situation.
Many are beginning to ask the same questions I have. In 2002 the
Times-Picayune wrote an article eerily just like what has happened this last
week. THEY KNEW this was GOING to happen!! To have done nothing more for
those people is criminal. I have more compassion than some of you because I
DO NOT want this to happen again. It would be criminal all over again. Can
you not understand that?? I am hearing questions about what happened to the
monies sent to have food and water available in the city many years ago.
This governor should be impeached. The Mayor needs to have his checking
accounts examined. I am really looking forward to the head rolling.

----- Original Message -----
From: "J Ford" <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:10 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] Lack of Compassion

A saying my Gram would use to remind me just how fortunate we were when we
would see people living on the street and I would complain that we had
little more to eat than potatoes and "ketchup" soup (again!):

"There, but for the Grace of God, go I."

We need to be thankful for our fortune and be willing to help those in
desperate need as LA and MI are now.  It COULD happen here, it COULD be us
there, it COULD be one day soon that we may need help and we would not want
others to say "Why didn't they just move/work harder/stop being poor/be a
different race, etc.

Since the water in LA/MI has been contaminated for days, just where do you
expect them to fill their "milk jugs" from?  Since their homes/lives have
been lost, where do you expect them to go to start over?  Since there are
families displaced and separated from one another, where do you expect them
to turn to find their family members or to be found by them?  Since the
roads out of town have been flooded/bridges destroyed, just how do you
expect the Governor to have gotten buses in there before they did?

Wailing at God is something that Job did after he lost everything and God
not only listened, He had compassion and mercy on His child and doubled his

Pat, shame on you for your lack of compassion and simple humanity.

J  :(

 >From: "Tom Hansen" <thansen at moscow.com>
 >To: "'Pat Kraut'" <pkraut at moscow.com>, "'vision2020'"
 ><vision2020 at moscow.com>
 >Subject: RE: @SPAM+++++++++   Re: [Vision2020] Mississippi and FEMA
 >Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 05:36:10 -0700

 >Thank you, Ms Kraut, for sharing the "insights" below.
 >Tom Hansen
 >Moscow, Idaho
 >"If not us, who?
 >If not now, when?"
 >- Unknown
 >-----Original Message-----
 >From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
 >On Behalf Of Pat Kraut
 >Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 9:02 PM
 >To: vision2020
 >Subject: Re: @SPAM+++++++++ Re: [Vision2020] Mississippi and FEMA
 > >From the survey seems to say the split is just about the same as here.
 >what I am hearing is a lot of questions and attacks directed to the
 >President which is unfair.
 >----- Original Message -----
 >From: "Jeff Harkins" <jeffh at moscow.com>
 >To: "Pat Kraut" <pkraut at moscow.com>
 >Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 7:55 PM
 >Subject: Re: @SPAM+++++++++ Re: [Vision2020] Mississippi and FEMA
 >Hi Pat,
 >I fear we are alone in this dialogue here.  I
 >have enjoyed your comments and appreciate your insights.
 >Some folks just don't get the concepts:
 >Personal accountability
 >State Sovereignty
 >The difference between a helping hand and a handout
 >The government can't make life perfect - only the individual can do that.
 >At 04:48 PM 9/5/2005, you wrote:
 > >I once has someone who went to Christ Church explain to me that those
 > >Georgia felt differently about the Civil War and I fear this comes under
 > >same description. I am sure that the south feels that they have been
 > >slighted by the Feds. They have raved for years and they are well 
 > >seek the help of the Feds, not do anything to help themselves. I do not
 > >how poor they are they could have filled some milk jugs with water. The
 > >mayor could have gotten the buses from the schools and bused them out.
 > >National Guard is busy doing a lot of things that is what they are
 > >for and what we are paying them to do. You might as well wail at God for
 > >timing of Katrina while the guard is stretched.
 > >I am watching Lt Gen Carl Strock on C-Span right now and he is most
 > >fasinating.
 > >
 > >
 > >----- Original Message -----
 > >From: "Tom Hansen" <thansen at moscow.com>
 > >To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
 > >Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 1:39 PM
 > >Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Mississippi and FEMA
 > >
 > >
 > >Again, form the Sun-Herald (Biloxi, Mississippi):
 > >
 > >"By Saturday [September 3, 2005], not much had improved in some areas.
 > >Hancock County had one FEMA representative on site, and he was looking
 > >place to establish operations."
 > >
 > >From:
 > >
 > >na/12562564.htm
 > >
 > >Well, Mr. Harkins . . . Is this the best that FEMA can provide seven 
 > >after the hurricane?
 > >
 > >Tom Hansen
 > >Moscow, Idaho
 > >
 > >
 > >"If not us, who?
 > >If not now, when?"
 > >
 > >- Unknown
 > >
 > >-----Original Message-----
 > >From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
 >[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
 > >On Behalf Of Tom Hansen
 > >Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 12:34 PM
 > >To: vision2020 at moscow.com
 > >Subject: [Vision2020] Mississippi and FEMA
 > >
 > >Greetings Visionaires -
 > >
 > >Mr. harkins stated that the blame for lack of sufficient response should
 > >limited to local authorities, specifically local authorities in the New
 > >Orleans area.  He stated that all is fairly well concerning FEMA nad
 > >areas, like Mississippi.
 > >
 > >As much as I would like to believe you, Mr. Harkin, the Sun-Herald
 > >Mississippi) has something different to say:
 > >
 > >http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/12566982.htm
 > >
 > >Tom Hansen
 > >Moscow, Idaho
 > >
 > >"law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, and when
 > >fail in this purpose, they become the dangerously structured dams that
 > >the flow of social progress."
 > >
 > >- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
 > >
 > >
 > >_____________________________________________________
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