[Vision2020] New Saint Andrews zoning compliance hearing

Michael Curley curley at turbonet.com
Tue May 3 18:43:24 PDT 2005

The Board of Adjustment of the City of Moscow will hear the appeal of 
the Community Development Director's ruling regarding the legality of 
New Saint Andrews College operating in the Central Business District 
on Thursday, May 12, 2005, in the Council Chambers (City Hall, 2nd 
Floor) at 7:30 p.m.  This is a public hearing, but testimony/comment 
should be limited to the legal issue before the Board.  This is not a 
referendum on whether NSA "should" be allowed Downtown or whether the 
existing ordinance (law) is advisable or not.  

Anyone with something to say about the legal issue should be present 
and prepared to speak at that time.  Others who are interested are, 
of course, invited to attend and observe.  

Mike Curley

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