[Vision2020] Trinity Festivus

Nate Wilson natewilson at moscow.com
Sun Mar 20 21:06:25 PST 2005

Dear All,
    Occasionally things on this list pique my interest. The recent 
discussion of Credenda/Agenda's Trinity Festival is one such thing. As I 
am currently involved in planning the Festival, I was at first thrilled 
to discover (in Saundra's post) that the UI would only be charging us a 
little over six grand for all of our Kibbie use. This was fantastic 
news, as we had budgeted far more. But then I rechecked my notes and 
thumped back down to Earth. The six thousand Saundra discovered was 
actually a fee we paid to the University so they would overlook our use 
of barking seals (the Shriner's pay a similar fee). Seriously, our 
actual costs are much higher than six thousand. In fact, as a little 
hint, the amount we pay at the end of our Festival will most likely be a 
multiple of the figure Saundra mentioned.
    As to insinuations and accusations that we are exploiting inside 
connections to get special treatment, I'm going to go ahead and admit 
that earlier this week I met with chief grounds keepers and janitors 
behind the PEB, and we all poked our thumbs and became blood brothers.
    Of course, while I don't intend to post again on this subject, if 
any of you have real questions about the upcoming Trinity Fest (within a 
mathematically stable universe) I would be happy to do what I can for 
you offlist. For the rest of you, please feel free to endear yourselves 
to the UI with questions about curved space and quantum fees, and don't 
forget to line your hats with tinfoil to protect your thoughts. My dad 
just got an FSR upgrade. Cheers.


P.S. I've consulted with my legal team and unfortunately they don't 
think the University will consider Saundra's post a binding contract.    
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