[Vision2020] Trinity

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Fri Mar 18 06:25:28 PST 2005

Very well expressed and very, very true, Mr. Ford.

A letter from Christ Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City, Utah (dated May
27, 2003) concerning Douglas Wilson.


Take care, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Just Another Pagan Intolerista Liberal Elitista Wacko Nutjob Loose in the
Palouse Doing What Comes Natural


"When people sin, everybody has to pay."

- Douglas Wilson of Wilson, Inc. (dba Christ Church) (June 7, 2002)

For more details:  http://www.tomandrodna.com/notonthepalouse

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of J Ford
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:06 PM
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: FW: RE: [Vision2020] Trinity

One item that Mr. Hall fails to mention in his "history" lesson of Christ 
Church is that Mr. Wilson has been "denounced as a heretic by the RPCUS 
Presbytery" for his erroneous and RPCUS-contra-indicated-idiology in regards

to the sacraments and sociality.  Basically, this means Mr. Wilson has been 
told he is not following the Reformed Presbytey's own doctrines and has in 
fact been told his views are those of a heretic.

That is NOT "well within the mainstream of what that tradition has 
represented for hundreds of years" as Mr. Hall would like you to believe.

BTW - this information is available on-line so I am not speaking out of 
turn.  It can be researched very easily by going to the church's 
open-to-the-public web-site and clicking on "Doug Wilson's Examination by 
the CREC Presbytery" button.  It can also be found on the RPCUS web site, 
http://www.gospelcom.net/hsc/articles/RPCUStoChristKirk.php. or on 
http://www.christkirk.com/DiscussionWithRPCUS/RPCUSDiscussion.asp or on 
http://www.puritans.net/onheresy.htm, etc.  The list is rather long and 
PUBLICLY available.

As far as you going to a service to meet/greet Mr. Wilson be prepared...the 
sermon alone runs about 1-1/2hours with ridiculously long songs proceeding 
it and another 1/2hour of preparing/partaking of the sacraments afterwards.

Not to mention that as a "marked" person at the service for the first time, 
you will definitely get a chance to "get an idea of what makes him tick."  I

also recommend you try to get there early as the chairs go fast (one family 
in the church has 18! children, but most have about 4/5 with plenty others 
on the way - these people believe in reproducing big time!) as the bleachers

can be very hard to sit on for two or more hours.  Also, check out what the 
sermon schedule is by going to 
http://www.christkirk.com/CurrentLectionary.pdf...it'll give you an idea, at

least, of what Mr. Wilson is expected to discuss on a particular day.

Good luck to you, laddy.

P.S. it would be interesting to hear your take on things IF you decide to go

some Sunday.

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