[Vision2020] W. Mark Felt, hero or heel?

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 23:51:17 PDT 2005

> He took an oath to protect the  president and he went behind everybodys back to 
> break the law. 

The first thing I wrote when I read this was just a string of
obscenities. That more correctly reflects my feelings about Pat's
statement, but this is far more readable. I frankly can't believe that
there are Americans -- raised in a democracy from birth, raised with
democratic values at thier core -- that believe this sort of corrupt,
fascist nonsense.

Since you've apparently learned nothing from living in America, let me
give you a remedial lesson in our democratic system.

No, Pat, Mark Felt didn't take an oath to protect the President. He
took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States of
America, which, as you might remember, is the supreme law of the land
that Nixon was trampling all over. We happen to be a country of laws,
not of men, and when the President is committing crimes, he remains a
citizen of the United States. If things work correctly, he goes to
prison. If things work incorrectly, as they did, he's pardoned by his
chosen successor.

So what, might I ask, was Mark Felt to do with the information he had?
Order an investigation from the FBI, which was controlled by Nixon
loyalists? Report his findings to the Justice Department, which was
headed by John Mitchell, who ended up spending hard time in federal
prison for what he did on Nixon's behalf?

-- ACS

P.S. And don't you right-wingers pretend you care a whit about the
civil rights of the Weather Underground. It's just another unpatriotic
excuse to defend poor, poor ex-President Nixon. Also, for those of you
who don't know, COINTELPRO, the illegal program to monitor the
political left and subculture, was ordered by Nixon himself.

P.P.S. As a history lesson for those not in the know, it was in fact
another great Idahoan -- Frank Church -- that brought down Mark Felt
for his involvement in COINTELPRO, thus closing the nasty little

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