[Vision2020] An interesting little covey...

Scott Dredge sdredge at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 3 00:09:51 PDT 2005


My razor sharp eyes happened to notice that at the end
of your email you did not sign off with your customary
"Take Care" closing.  It caught me off guard because
your ending was so terse and - dare I say - borderline
rude.  Was this just an oversight?  I would hate to
inaccurately jump to a conclusion that you are truly
angry with Saundra based on what simply may be an
unintentional omission.


PS: I just noticed that it's 12:09am PDT.  Why, oh
why, couldn't I have hit the 'send' button at 11:59pm
instead of blowing my email post quota for the day on
this reply.

--- Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>

> Saundra,
> First, I do not chide into PEOPLE because I disagree
> with them (wit the exception of government leaders
> and
> when people do it to me first). I challenge the
> content of message not the character of the
> messenger.
> It is you and your friends that attack people and
> call
> them names when they say or do something to your
> disapproval. Do you want me to paw through the V2020
> archives to show you the 200+ posts you missed of
> when
> you and your friends made personal attacks on people
> here and you said nothing? Did I ever call you names
> Ms. Lund? No, it is you that attacked and ostracized
> me for opposing the school levy and for opposing
> your
> full frontal assault on members of our community for
> their religion because YOU have gone to far. I have
> never been mean to you. It is you that disregards
> me,
> I have always tried to be respectful to you. 
> It is not I that sits back and say nothing when
> people
> on V2020 attack everyone with nasty evil vindictive
> responses to people. Seriously, your friends attack
> as
> many as 7 people in a single posting. YOU SAY
> then in another email claim your Christianity!
> Second, me and Dale are not buddies. We can disagree
> on issues, considerably, and discuss our
> disagreements
> without calling each other names, or resorting to
> childish name calling. I agree with Dale on some
> issues regarding limiting government and fiscal
> responsibility of the government. I can also comment
> against his positions of abortion, homosexuality,
> and
> religious conservatism without a response in return
> about how I am so stupid I cannot tie my shoes and I
> should learn to comb my hair because I am a
> humorless
> ugly cruel person.
> Third, I did comment on the content of the post that
> Dale made to insure that people knew that I did not
> think people on that list were nasty. 
> Furthermore, the comments were not about what was
> said
> in the email, but in fact where the emails were
> being
> sent. Commenting on someone sending a letter to
> someone is much different than discussing the
> content
> of the letter.
> Did Dale read a letter to someone else intended for
> someone else? Yes he did. And it was wrong. Did you
> really NEED me to point that out to you? 
> So if you want consistency Ms. Lund, why not apply
> your high moral standards to yourself and your
> friends
> to the same degree that you expect me to apply them
> to
> Dale Courtney--whom you assume I am best buddies
> with
> because I agreed with him, like 56%+ of the
> population
> in Moscow, that the School levy was a bad idea.
> The world is not divided into the Doug Wilsons and
> Anti-Doug Wilsons Ms Lund. Both sides can be right
> and
> wrong. ANYONE that decides that Wilson is always
> wrong, and the anti-Wilsons are always right is
> ignorant. Neither side has a monopoly on truth and
> morality. 
> You have lost your sense of objectivity in your
> blind
> hatred of Doug Wilson, Ms Lund. It has consumed you
> to
> the point that you think Doug Wilson is trying to
> kill
> homosexuals, take over the government, and put a
> school up in every lot downtown and teach a return
> to
> slavery. It is clear your line of thinking is that
> anyone that disagrees with you that Doug Wilson is
> Satan in the flesh they are considered his buddy and
> confident. Thus in your head because I do not HATE
> Doug Wilson and Dale Courtney or anyone else that
> says
> "hi" to Wilson, I must therefore be his buddy and
> approve of his actions and agree with his religious
> believes. That is such ignorance. It is obvious that
> you are practicing discrimination against one group
> of
> people for their religious beliefs. Even the city
> council is seeing this as harassment. I strongly
> disagree with Wilson's beliefs. But I am more
> distraught by your bigotry, intolerance, and
> flagrant
> disregard for the basic inherent rights that all
> humans should to practice their religion. 
> Donovan J Arnold

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