[Vision2020] Domestic Benefits?

Dan Carscallen predator75 at moscow.com
Thu Jun 2 09:53:29 PDT 2005

Big Donny J says:
"I do not want extension of benefits."

But then he says:
"I do not want the [basis] for denying someone benefits to be based on
the sexual orientation of the person applying for them. That is the case

So let me get this straight . . .

Non-heterosexuals who work for the city are not given the benefits
granted to heterosexuals?  I seriously doubt that.  

And if you think Moscow is this haven of discrimination, I suggest you
take a trip around the rest of the state (heck, just the rest of the
county!) and you'll see how tolerant our fine little burg is.

And I think I've established the capability of my understanding some
time ago.  Silly.


-----Original Message-----
From: Donovan Arnold [mailto:donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 9:31 AM
To: Dan Carscallen; vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Domestic Benefits?

Mr. Carscallen,

Most people that argue about giving benefits and
discrimination against gays argue because they do or
do not believe gays deserve equal protection. 

You apparently are just incapable of understanding
what discrimination and equality means. 

Your questions and comments clearly are testament to
that notion.

You spout, "Again, I'm asking, are we just wanting
something that says 'The City of Moscow is against Discrimination
against anyone for any reason'"

No, I am not Dan, that is not what I am asking for.

"or do you want the city to extend benefits?"

No Dan, I do not want extension of benefits.

"Will every employer in town be required to extend
benefits to all, even if they don't give said benefits
to their own employees?"

No Dan, they will not. 

Dan, I do not want the bases for denying someone
benefits to be based on the sexual orientation of the
person applying for them. That is the case now.

You cannot currently give medical benefits to everyone
in your company except the Jews and Hispanics in your
company. You can not offer benefits to anyone, or you
can offer benefits to people based on time served, and
merit in the job, but you cannot deny or only give
benefits on the bases race, religion, gender, age, or disability. 

I am saying that the law should be amended so that
someone  cannot make sexual orientation a condition of
whether a benefit, right or protection is granted or
denied to someone employed in the city.

If a business or employee violates that law, they
should be subject to the punishments as codified for
their violation as any other city code violation.

If a company or the city gives benefits, rights and
protections to heterosexuals and their partners they
should give the same benefits, rights, and protections
to homosexuals and their partners. Same work, same compensation. Sexual
orientation should not be a factor.

Donovan J Arnold


--- Dan Carscallen <predator75 at moscow.com> wrote:

> Donovan Rants:
> "The city council just does not care about equality
> and has done nothing
> but provide lip service and paper tigers to end discrimination in our
> community. They preach equality for the votes, but
> they do not do
> anything to end discrimination."
> Again, I'm asking, are we just wanting something
> that says "The City of
> Moscow is against Discrimination against anyone for
> any reason", or do
> you want the city to extend benefits?  Will that end discrimination?
> With a resolution making discrimination against
> gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/martian/robot (yes,
> robots.  I removed
> klingons as per Phil's request, but I had to include
> robots because they
> like popcorn) peoples illegal, how will it be
> enforced?  Will every
> employer in town be required to extend benefits to
> all, even if they
> don't give said benefits to their own employees?
> Yes, there are
> employers who do NOT offer insurance/retirement/etc
> benefits to their
> employees.  Will that now be illegal as well?
> I think we are talking about two different things
> (most of us, anyhow)
> that you, Mr. A, are lumping together:
> discrimination vs. extension of
> benefits.
> I'm pretty sure the city council cares about
> equality.  I just think
> they and their staff sees the tar-baby that this
> truly is.
> DC
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