[Vision2020] Iraq Veterans Against The War: Web Site

Tbertruss at aol.com Tbertruss at aol.com
Sat Jul 30 17:14:34 PDT 2005

Sunil, Paul et. al.

In response to Sunil's response to Paul about soldiers who speak out against 
President Bush, I thought it might be informative to remind everyone there is 
a web site "Iraq Veteran's Against the War:"


Co-founded by Tim Goodrich (info about and statements by Goodrich at bottom 
here), a veteran of US military missions in Afghanistan and Iraq, Sunil and/or 
Paul might consider e-mailing him at the e-mail address below for feedback 
about what happen to soldiers who speak out against the Iraq war, or just visit 
the IVAW website for stories relating to this that are on the first page viewed 
at the web link above:

ivaw_west at ivaw.net

Sunil wrote on 7/29/05:


May a  soldier who believes that President Bush misled the country as to the 
reasons for the Iraq War speak out and make this accusation against the 
President?  May such a soldier publicly question and criticize the President?  Can 
he write an article and say "The commander in chief is a liar?"  Would there be 
any negative consequences from that sort of speech?

Sunil Ramalingam

Text below from:


Goodrich is co-founder of Iraq Veterans Against the War, a member of the 
After Downing Street coalition. He will be speaking at an event on July 23 in 
Inglewood, Calif., hosted by Rep. Maxine Waters. From a family with a tradition of 
military service, Goodrich grew up in Buffalo, N.Y., and enlisted in the Air 
Force at the age of 18. He deployed overseas twice in support of Operation 
Southern Watch (patrolling the southern "no-fly zone" over Iraq) and once in 
support of Operation Enduring Freedom (operations against Afghanistan), where he 
earned combat veteran status. His last deployment was spent supporting the 
bombing of Iraq before the formal commencement of hostilities. Goodrich said 
today: "Downing Street memos show without a doubt that Bush and Blair were intent 
on invading Iraq despite the diplomatic outcome. This is a betrayal of trust to 
the people of the world and there must now be accountability, combined with 
immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces in Iraq." Last month, Goodrich 
testified in the World Tribunal on Iraq where he said: "I was there in Iraq in 
fall of 2002 when the war was already happening even though it was not 
officially announced. We were dropping bombs then, and I saw bombing intensify as a 
part of the 'softening up' of Iraq's defenses. All the documents coming out now, 
the Downing Street memo and others, confirm what I had witnessed in Iraq. The 
war had already begun while our leaders were telling us that they were going 
to try all diplomatic options first." 

V2020 Post by Ted Moffett
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