[Vision2020] (no subject)

Melynda Huskey mghuskey at msn.com
Fri Feb 25 09:48:46 PST 2005

Dear Vision 2020 readers,

As some of you know, I am a mediator and facilitator by training, and 
sometimes facilitate public meetings for local organizations.  I've recently 
learned that former listmember Dale Courtney has used his blog, 
http://rightmind.us, to criticize my performance at the most recent MCA 
meeting, alleging that I allowed my partner, Joan Opyr, to ask unfair, 
off-topic questions in pursuit of a homosexual agenda. I have asked Dale 
privately to correct his blog to reflect the factual information available, 
but it appears he has no intention of doing so.  Because his accusations 
materially affect my work as a mediator and facilitator, I've decided to 
address the matter here, publically.

Of course Dale has a right to think I did a poor job of managing the 
meeting, but his specific complaint suggests that I allowed my own biases to 
influence my performance--that I was unethical in my fulfillment of my 
duties.  I strongly object to this accusation.

Dale's claim is that Joan's question about the Chamber's non-discrimination 
policy was not related in any way to the topic at hand, which he describes 
as "the Business Improvement District," and consequently I should not have 
allowed her to ask it.  Here I believe he is being substantially 
disingenous. In all the publicity associated with the meeting, including 
press releases and publicity available at the MCA website, the meeting's 
theme is economic development in Moscow, not just the proposed BID.  That's 
why there were representatives from a number of economic development 
agencies present.  Moreover, the press release clearly states, "Copies of 
the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the city and the Moscow 
Chamber of Commerce will be available. Input to the Memo will be 
encouraged."  Joan's question was drawn from that MOU, from which she read; 
it was simply whether or not the city's non-discrimination policy is 
inclusive of sexual orientation, and whether the Chamber will be held to the 
same standard.  The question, however unwelcome, was well within the stated 
purpose of the meeting.  Although Chamber Director Paul Kimmel was unable to 
answer the question, it was ably addressed by City Council members Nancy 
Chaney and John Dickinson.

I strongly object to Dale's accusations, particularly since he chose to 
address them, not to me, but in a public location without notifying me in 
any way.

Melynda Huskey

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