[Vision2020] Buffalo & Genocide

Tbertruss at aol.com Tbertruss at aol.com
Tue Feb 22 14:28:47 PST 2005

L. Falen et. al.

Thanks for responding with understanding regarding why the buffalo joke was 
so cruel given the history of the slaughter of the buffalo, or bison, as J. 
Willard, animal expert, pointed out.

But I must disagree with this comment you made:

"Lighen up everybody, you are being a way tosensitive." 

In fact I think people are far too desensitized to cruelty and brutality, 
both of people and animals.  Our world would be far better off if everyone became 
much more sensitive and opposed to cruelty of all kinds, both against humans 
and animals.  Political correctness can be carried to extremes, but I do not 
think the genocide carried out against the indigenous peoples of North America 
a silly PC issue.  And to make jokes about Native Americans senselessly 
blowing away buffalo very clearly is exploiting the history of this genocide to 
induce sadistic laughs, unless the writer was unaware of history, though the joke 
ostensibly was about modern corporate culture.

Do I think the joke should be censored?  No.  

But to point out the full ugly reality behind racially oriented humor 
involving a racial group to which genocide was committed by our dominant culture here 
in the USA should not cause anyone grief unless they wish to minimize, 
marginalize or refute the genocide in question.

Ted Moffett
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