[Vision2020] Re: Fiat Lux

Fiat Lux fiat_lx at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 4 17:00:16 PST 2005

To whom it may concern et al.,

Please allow one other reason for identity
concealment.  That being, the case of a person who has
been the victim of domestic violence and fears for
their safety and that of their child because the
perpetrator is no longer incarcerated.  Use of a
pseudonym allows participation in internet forums such
as this while affording some modicum of security.  I
am being completely serious here.  I would not wish
what we have suffered on any of you.

Thank you Mr. Moffett for your open mindedness and
understanding.  I hold you in high esteem because of
your willingness to permit me to express my thoughts
here under a nom de plume.   

By the way, writing under a pen name is not as
disreputable as some would try to make it out to be. 
Anyone out there ever heard of Silence Dogood?     
“ Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such
Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as public Liberty,
without Freedom of Speech. ”
—  Benjamin  Franklin , 1722 -printed in The
New-England Courant, Boston, Massachusetts...under the
pseudonym Silence Dogood

It is regrettable that there are those among you who
feel threatened or uncomfortable because they do not
know anything more about me than the words I type
here.   my comments not to be taken at face value.  I
have not been malicious or off topic.  

Let me assure you that I am no one you have known
before.  I am distinct from all others who post (or
have posted)here. 
I am not a member of Christ Church, or any other
organised religion for that matter.  I do not now
hold, or I aspire to hold public office.   I am not a
local business owner.  Nor, am I the "smartest person
on earth".  I am simply a member of this community
with concerns for its future.
Vision 2020's stated purpose:
"Moscow Vision 2020 is an informal, multi-partisan
group of Moscow residents formed in 1993 to encourage
more public information and debate about the future of
Moscow and Latah County. We do make a difference!!!
Join us in helping to participate in the future of our

Sometimes I wonder if everyone who posts here
understands that  to be the purpose of this forum. 
There is not much constructive discussion going on
here.  I have even noticed several callow posters are
prone to insult and tear down others whom they deem
"lesser than" or just plain wrong.  Worse yet, some
members actually seem to gang up on enemies, real or

I submit, if I may, that the immaturity some want to
attribute to me is more strongly manifested in the
behavior of some others on this board.  In fact, I
think the tone of Mr. Meyer's post hints at the
viciousness that lurks in the realm of Vision 2020. 
It is really too bad.  More people might join in the
discussion if they felt less likely to be attacked for
having a different opinion (or an unacceptable name). 
 Again, just my thoughts.  By all means, please
disregard me if that's what you need to do. 

Yours truly,
Fiat Lux

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