[Vision2020] question 6 TRAIL FOUNDATION QUESTIONS

cjs cjs at turbonet.com
Sun Apr 24 18:16:56 PDT 2005

Hmmmmm let me see. From December up to the printing in yesterdays paper the cost to buy the 10 acres was between 17k and 23k. The reporter for the daily news says, "The Moscow School District facilities planning committee has been working with a price range between $23,000 to $25,000 per acre, but Trail wouldn't verify if the family would ask a price higher or lower from the district." So the Trails have the option of asking for any price they chose? Maybe tacking on the itty bitty fee of a security fence? Now, if this reporter is wrong Keely, you should ask for her to correct her error. If not you should be telling us the real deal. Is there anything in writing like an agreement or negotiations between the Trails and the school district/FPC? I know several people have asked at the district for communication between the Trails and the district and they are all told there are only two peices of paer.One being the Dec. 2004 letter from the Trails to the district and two the le!
 tter from
the Superintendant to the Trails. Is the negotiating all verbal? I really find that hard to believe and I assume the plan for the appraisal is when the levy passes? It is costly.

Thank you Keely,

-----Original message-----
From: "keely emerinemix" kjajmix1 at msn.com
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 16:00:28 -0700
To: cjs at turbonet.com
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] question 6 TRAIL FOUNDATION QUESTIONS

> Our working price estimate on the FPC has been between $17 K  and $23 K, 
> with the required third-party appraisal yet to be conducted.  We will then 
> discuss purchase with the Trails, who have been quite reasonable at every 
> turn.
> Bottom line:  40 acres for the price of 10 with the fence price "rebated," 
> as it were.   I am not aware of any other 40-acre (+ or -) sites available 
> for sale at a buy 10, get 30 price.  It was a good idea in December when the 
> offer was made and it's a good idea now.  Me?  I'm gonna go for it.
> keely
> From: cjs <cjs at turbonet.com>
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: [Vision2020] question 6 TRAIL FOUNDATION QUESTIONS
> Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 09:48:54 -0700
> Dave Trail, manager of the Trail family lands, wouldn't comment on a price 
> for the 10 acres the district must purchase. The Moscow School District 
> facilities planning committee has been working with a price range between 
> $23,000 to $25,000 per acre, but Trail wouldn't verify if the family would 
> ask a price higher or lower from the district. State law requires the 
> district have the land appraised.
> "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Trail said.
> Trail also said his family agreed to donate 20 percent of the money paid for 
> the 10 acres back to the school district for construction of the required 
> fence.
> Well, Mr. Trail, I think that time is now to cross that bridge. What 
> happenned to the $250,000.00 "sale" price of the 10 acres in order for the 
> "gifted" land?
> Keely - this is just plain wrong. I know you are on the FPC. What is going 
> on? Now the Trails are going to increase the price of the ten acres so they 
> can "donate" that money back to us so a security fence can be built? This is 
> no gift!
> Yes, this one question is directed to you. You are on the committee that can 
> answer this.
> Phil Roderick
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