[Spam] [Vision2020] Why should we close West Park?

cjs cjs at turbonet.com
Sat Apr 23 23:42:59 PDT 2005

I can answer this one.

If UoI would contribute (like the military does) to the state or the school district for the children of the students that attend the University then we would not be having this discussion.

But this does not answer the proposed dilema of where the children would go. For future kids yes.


-----Original message-----
From: Timothy Rigsby timo5277 at uidaho.edu
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 23:23:12 -0700
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Spam] [Vision2020] Why should we close West Park?

> Donovan:
> Where do you suggest we send the children of the students of the University of Idaho
> if MSD decides to close West Park?  Wouldn't closing West Park put even more financial
> burden on the students at UI whose children attend West Park?  Even more financial
> burden than what this levy will cost each tax payer.  
> What about the inconvenience that closing West Park would create for these students 
> whose children attend West Park?  I thought you cared about people that suffer from a lower income or live on a fixed income.  Some of the lowest income families in 
> town are the ones who live in married student housing or have children that 
> attend school while they pursue either undergrad or graduate degrees at UI.  
> Plus, look at the diverse makeup of West Park elementary.  There is more diversity
> in that school per capita compared to any other school or institution in town.  If we
> close West Park and shuffle some of these kids around to other schools, we may lose the
> valuable diversity that has been created at West Park due to the high number of
> exchange students whose children attend that school.  The type of diversity at West 
> Park can only promote healthy relationships and respect for others differences.  Think
> of the world peace that could be created by utilizing the diverse spread of people at
> a place like West Park.
> Have you noticed the cost of gas these days?  $2.47 per gallon at the Conoco up the
> road.  If we close West Park, the parents may have to drive to pick up their children
> from school instead of walk from class to West Park and then onto home.  Not only will
> they be spending more money on fuel, but think of the extra emissions that would be
> emitted because of the extra cars on the road.  
> I suspect that the financial impact of closing West Park would outweigh the monies
> earmarked for the renovation of West Park.  However, I could be wrong.
> So tell me again why you think we should close West Park.
> Tim (A new AmeriCorps member) Rigsby
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