[Vision2020] question 5 for the school board or architect

cjs cjs at turbonet.com
Sat Apr 23 20:10:18 PDT 2005

The architect has specified  that the project can be completed for a specified sum of money.  To get to that figure he would need to develop rough estimates of the quantities of materials and the types of materials.  For example, if a set of buildings
are to be built on the Trail property, a certain degree of earthwork  (site work) can be anticipated.  This number will not be exact but should be reasonably close.  Then it's relatively simple math to calculate costs based on cost data per unit.  This would apply to all the items underlying each category such as site work.  There should be some tentative construction schedule, number of cubic yards to be moved, replaced with granular structural fill, etc.
It doesn't change when we discuss concrete.  What are the anticipated dimensions of the footings, the slab-on-grade, what typical reinforcing would we be expecting?  Not detailed info - that's beyond the scope of their work at this point.  But they should have a pretty good idea on the quantity of material and what material they are planning on utilizing.  The requirements for a masonry building vs a wood-framed building are significant as is the cost.

It's tedious but the information to check the project estimate exists.
Everything, that is, except the assumptions that the architect has made on the project.  Without those, we can't determine how reliable the totals are.

Would the architect or school district divulge the information we are asking for so we can ask someone that would know the reliability of the chosen architect is indeed, reliable?

Phil Roderick

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