[Vision2020] Noam Chomsky: No Dave, I lose!

tbertruss at aol.com tbertruss at aol.com
Thu Apr 21 17:21:54 PDT 2005

 Dave et. al.
How "All American" of you!  Winning is the issue?
If you could back up your claims that Chomsky endorsed Pol Pot with some verifiable evidence, which you asserted you would, I would be more informed.  Though I admit a bias in favor of Chomsky's integrity, my main interest is in knowing the truth in this matter, not "winning" arguments.  If Chomsky did "endorse" Pol Pot, I want to know the all the facts, if for no other reason than to not avoid misstating the truth in this matter.  
My interest in the truth transcends my emotional biases, at least when I put on my scholar hat.
Besides, "winning," in this case, from my point of view, would mean you post a retraction to V2020 for libel against Chomsky when you asserted he "endorsed" Pol Pot on the V2020 list.
But I still "win" (if I learn a new truth, I win) if you can offer verifiable evidence that he did "endorse" Pol Pot, though the exact context in which these alleged statements were made, and the exact wording of the statement or statements, would shed light on whether Chomsky really "endorsed" Pol Pot or not.  
If I say that Hitler did some good things for the German people in promoting an improved economic situation for some Germans during his rule, this does not mean than I "endorse" any of the horrors that Hitler helped to unleash.
Ted Moffett
-----Original Message-----
From: David M. Budge <dave at davebudge.com>
To: Tbertruss at aol.com
Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com
Sent: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 14:25:33 +0000
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Chomsky Speaks Tomorrow at Beasley

Jeeze, you don't have to yell Ted.  I admit I don't have the integrity to retract.  You win.


Tbertruss at aol.com wrote:

Attention Dave Budge:  Don't miss this!  It is your chance to apologize in person for your shameless insults against one of the greatest thinkers of the last century.  Or you could post your retraction of your lies (re: Chomsky endorsing Pol Pot) to the V2020 list, but I doubt you have the integrity for that.


43rd Annual Potter Memorial Lecture with NOAM CHOMSKY

Friday, April 22, 2005 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Beasley Coliseum Theater

 "Imminent Crises: Responsibilities and Opportunities"

Noam Chomsky, MIT professor of linguistics and philosophy, will give the 2005 Potter Memorial Lecture Friday, April 22, at 3:30 p.m. in the Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum. The title of his address will be "Imminent Crises: Responsibilities and Opportunities."

Chomskys appearance at Washington State University provides a rare opportunity for faculty, students, and residents of the Palouse, said David Shier, chair of the Department of Philosophy. Noam Chomsky is one of the most respected scholars of our age."

For almost 50 years Noam Chomsky has been the most influential and best known American linguist, added Lynn Gordon, coordinator of Washington State Universitys linguistics program. His work has revolutionized linguistic theory."

Free Admission - Open to the Public 

More Information About NOAM CHOMSKY


Vision 2020 Post by Ted Moffett 

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