[Vision2020] With gas at $2.50 a gallon itistimetocutCrosswalknumbers

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Wed Apr 13 07:54:00 PDT 2005


An excellent argument for a bypass or beltway!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dick Schmidt" <dickschmidt at moscow.com>
To: "Jennifer McFarland" <jmcfarland at latah.id.us>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] With gas at $2.50 a gallon 

> Jennifer,
> I can understand the law enforcement community being on the extreme side 
> of safety and would probably just as soon have a stop light at each 
> intersection. Your jobs are to keep people from harming each other on the 
> roads and streets.
> The other side of the coin is the trucking firms and companies who ship 
> products to and through Moscow who would like there to be no stoplights or 
> crosswalks.
> I am in the middle and saying that it is OK to have stoplights and 
> crosswalks but lets get some common sense and have them positioned 
> prudently. I have no complaints on the number of stoplights! I will 
> restate that we have too many crosswalks on main arterials! Crosswalks on 
> 3 lane highways or streets is a death waiting to happen.
> Dick Schmidt
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jennifer McFarland" <jmcfarland at latah.id.us>
> To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:34 PM
> Subject: RE: [Vision2020] With gas at $2.50 a gallon it 
> istimetocutCrosswalknumbers
>> Visionaries;
>> I've been reluctant to weigh in on this thread, but here is my two cents 
>> on
>> the subject (sorry, no refunds): whether or nor we reduce the number of
>> crosswalks emblazoned across the streets of Moscow is irrelevant because
>> Idaho law (as pointed out by a couple of posters to V2020) requires that
>> vehicles yield right-of-way to pedestrians regardless of markings or
>> signage.  The real issue, then, is a matter of common sense and respect 
>> (as
>> pointed out, I think, by Mr. Hansen).  If a pedestrian is in a 
>> crossway--or
>> at its mouth--waiting to cross a street, vehicles should yield to that
>> pedestrian--not just out of law but out of courtesy.  Likewise, out of a
>> sense of courtesy (and regard for personal safety) pedestrians should not
>> dart out into congested lanes of traffic.  Seems, too, that the issue of 
>> how
>> much fuel is saved is negligible when weighed against how many accidents 
>> are
>> avoided by both pedestrians and motorists sharing responsibilities for 
>> road
>> safety.
>> --Jennie
>> Detective Jennifer L. McFarland
>> Latah County Sheriff's Office
>> Public Information Officer
>> PO Box 8068
>> Moscow, Idaho 83843
>> (208) 882-2216
>> Fax (208) 883-2281
>> Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to 
>> affairs.
>> ***Ralph Waldo Emerson
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com 
>> [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
>> On Behalf Of Dick Schmidt
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:34
>> To: cynthia nichols
>> Cc: joann mack; Nancy Chaney; John Dickinison; vision2020 at moscow.com; peg
>> hamlett; Linda Pall
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] With gas at $2.50 a gallon it is
>> timetocutCrosswalknumbers
>> Cynthia,
>> Welcome!
>> Folks, I'm looking at the big picture here but you are only seeing across
>> the street. I'm involved in shipping material from California to Oregon,
>> Washington, Idaho and Montana. Also from Wisconsin and Minnesota to 
>> Montana,
>> Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Freight is a big part of the cost the 
>> products
>> I sell and every time that truck has to stop it costs money. We have a
>> government that has absolutely no energy policy and because of it we need 
>> to
>> do things on the local level to conserve energy. What will you do when 
>> gas
>> is $5.00 a gallon. I suggested we start small by eliminating some 
>> crosswalks
>> in Moscow but it seems to upset some people to think they would have to 
>> walk
>> an extra block to be able to cross a 3 lane busy state highway. I would
>> suspect that all the log and chip haulers and other delivery trucks who 
>> have
>> to travel through Moscow would appreciate not having to stop so often.
>> Just to set the record straight, Wayne Fox said that "Unless the law has
>> changed, pedestrians have the right of way at all intersections in all 50
>> states."
>> They do in marked crosswalks but most of the pedestrians in other states 
>> do
>> not walk out in front of a car and will wait until traffic clears!
>> Dick Schmidt
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "cynthia nichols" <cynthiann0 at mac.com>
>> To: "Dick Schmidt" <dickschmidt at moscow.com>
>> Cc: "peg hamlett" <peg_hamlett at msn.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>; "joann
>> mack" <jmack at turbonet.com>; "Nancy Chaney" <nchaney at moscow.com>; "Linda
>> Pall" <lpall at moscow.com>; "John Dickinison" <johnd at moscow.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:27 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] With gas at $2.50 a gallon it is time
>> tocutCrosswalknumbers
>>> Dick,
>>> You said, "Pedestrians cross the road to get to the other side but
>>> they need to do a little planning before they go so they don't stop my
>>> 3,500# Taurus. If they don't hustle when they cross I will blow my
>>> horn and start moving ahead. ;-))"
>>> When one takes a driver's test to get an Idaho driver's license,
>>> usually he/she studies the vehicle code which states that cars must
>>> yield to pedestrians at marked and UNmarked crosswalks. It seems to me
>>> that even if the city removes crosswalks, you'd still have to stop for
>>> a person who is crossing at an intersection. A crosswalk is really
>>> just a way of helping drivers notice pedestrians. I walk all over
>>> Moscow and use the crosswalks to cross. When I first moved here 3
>>> years ago, people graciously stopped, left lots of time for me to
>>> cross, even on the highways. It is not so easy to cross now. People
>>> who know the law and respect it still stop. I am grateful to them. But
>>> try crossing Washington at  the police station! It's not easy.  I
>>> attribute that to a greater degree of  an "I'm more important than you
>>> are (I'm in a hurry), (I need to save 4¢ gas)" attitude in recent
>>> years. Something's happened to Moscow in 3 years for some people to 
>>> become
>> so much less courteous (hmmm). When I hear people talk about drivers'
>>> disrespect of pedestrians "back east" I wonder, are they advocating
>>> that we become more like Philly? Is that what we really want? I don't.
>>> I hope that you and the city council come to  realize that crosswalks
>>> are NOT a problem .
>>> Furthermore, if I am in a crosswalk and you don't stop your 3500#
>>> Taurus and end up hitting me, I authorize my husband to sue you for the
>> maximum
>>> amount he can get.   ;-))   Wouldn't it be more prudent for you to brake
>>> for me?
>>> Cynthia Nichols
>>> PS-Because I walk so much, I fill up my tank only once a month or so.
>>> You might try combining your Winco trip with a few other errands and
>>> take streets other than 3rd. I've only lived here 3 years and I know
>>> lots of routes. It's a gorgeous little town and I drive slowly through
>>> pretty neighborhoods when I drive, noticing the beauty as I go.
>>> PPS-I am a first time contributor to this list. I have begun writing
>>> many replies but it really takes a brave person to add to this list if
>>> they have a dissident view--and I realize that this e-mail may
>>> generate a lot of vitriol. I may have to unsubscribe.
>>> On Apr 12, 2005, at 7:08 AM, Dick Schmidt wrote:
>>>> Pedestrians cross the road to get to the other side but they need to
>>>> do a little planning before they go so they don't stop my 3,500#
>>>> Taurus. If they don't hustle when they cross I will blow my horn and
>>>> start moving ahead. ;-))
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>> List services made available by First Step Internet,
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> List services made available by First Step Internet, serving the 
> communities of the Palouse since 1994.   http://www.fsr.net 
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