[Vision2020] A thought

Tbertruss at aol.com Tbertruss at aol.com
Fri Oct 22 11:11:25 PDT 2004

Dear Coconspirators:

I have pondered for years this burning issue of critical importance for the 
survival and well being of the human race: how do Carville and Matalin remain 
married when they are so politically at odds?  I am assuming of course that 
they are maintaining a real marriage of sorts, like actually being together a 
lot, sharing a home, sleeping together, etc., instead of pretending to be married 
so they both can lead their secret lives in the cross dressing bisexual 
underground ... forget it!

Answer?  Money!  They both have plenty, continue to make plenty, and probably 
laugh outrageously at the dinner table about what a good gig they both have 
raking in the dough as advocates for political goals, maybe even laughing at us 
asking about how they stay together as they rake it in!  Besides, like most 
marriages, they must have something to argue about, and when they can focus all 
their animosity on politics, maybe they don't worry so much about the little 
stuff that married people waste their time arguing about: the devil is in the 
details, as they say...

Is it OK to say "sleeping together?"  I mean, think of what sort of images 
this might suggest in the impressionable minds of youth: horrible snoring, sleep 
in the eyes, and morning wood!  Joan, using the word "sex" is really too 
graphic for V2020.  We should use euphemisms like "sleeping together," though I 
wonder if this is still too suggestive... A term like "morning wood," though, is 
understood by nearly all teenaged boys, while sounding like a chore that must 
be done in the winter to warm the house before breakfast.  I better quit now 
before I really get into trouble here...

Oh my.......!

Ted Moffett
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