[Vision2020] Local Posters Make Good

Melynda Huskey mghuskey at msn.com
Wed Oct 6 15:11:48 PDT 2004

Or something like that.  Point your browser at


where an anonymous blogger posts his thoughts on "All Things Right Minded:  
A Commentary on Moscow Idaho's Intellectual Elite, Media, and Establishment 

Vision 2020 accounts for such a significant number of posts that *we* must 
be the intellectual elite of Moscow.":  Vision 2020 members Linda Pall, 
Wayne Fox (thoughtfully identified as "#1 of the Nasty Nine"), Donovan 
Arnold, Joan Opyr, and Pat Kraut are all referenced.  Hurrah for us!

There don't seem to be many comments on the blog, indicating a dearth of 
readers.  But he'd surely appreciate hearing from some of the people he's 
quoting . . .

Melynda Huskey

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