[Vision2020] One bad apple evidently spoils the whole bunch?

Carl Westberg carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 22 07:40:41 PST 2004

Public humiliation is a terrible thing.  Yet humbling.  I hope Donny (my 
good personal friend, although I suspect he thought I was a liberal elitist 
when I was interviewing him) can forgive me.  Speaking of bad songs from 
that era, let us not forget "One Tin Soldier" by Coven from that dreadfully 
awful, yet oddly enjoyable movie "Billy Jack."                               
                Carl Westberg Jr.

>From: "keely emerinemix" <kjajmix1 at msn.com>
>To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>,   "Bruce and Jean Livingston" 
><jeanlivingston at turbonet.com>
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] One bad apple evidently spoils the whole bunch?
>Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:40:56 -0800
>Bruce and Jean, AND YOU, CARL --
>Thanks for corroborating my memory of early 70s screechy teen hits.  
>Humility and a Catholic upbringing prevented me from arguing with Carl, 
>even though I kinda sorta in a way knew I was, well, right, or at least 
>less wrong than he was.  Now that I'm vindicated, though, I plan to engage 
>in a prolonged "neener, neener, neener," although I still think he's pretty 
>Don't worry, Carl.  I only remember Donny.  I just never knew him the way 
>you did, so you're still da man.  Bruce and Jean, thank you.  And as for 
>"Billy, Don't Be a Hero," well . . . the true horror of war is that it 
>allows for the proliferation of really bad pop songs in ways that no other 
>political phenomena can touch.  Please, let us not think it's just about 
>violence, death, destruction and despair.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Bruce and Jean Livingston
>   To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>   Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 12:51 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Vision2020] One bad apple evidently spoils the whole 
>   Carl, I'm glad you're tight with Donny, and maybe pre-weird Michael and 
>   J-Five really did do a version of "One Bad Apple," but my handy dandy 
>   of Joel Whitburn's "The Billboard Top 40 Hits" reflects only that Donny
>   cracked the charts -- er, the Top Forty, anyway -- going all the way to
>   number one in January 1971 for five weeks and remaining in the Top Forty 
>   12 weeks.
>   Nary a mention of the Jackson Five doing that song.  Maybe it was the 
>   side of "ABC" or something.
>   But when talking about such pop atrocities, isn't charting necessary to 
>   be in the ball game?
>   Let's just hope this Iraq mess ends quickly, so "Billy, Don't Be a Hero"
>   doesn't come back to haunt us once again!
>   Bruce Livingston
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
>   To: <kjajmix1 at msn.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>   Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:36 AM
>   Subject: Re: [Vision2020] One bad apple evidently spoils the whole 
>   | Keely, Keely.  Okay, you're a liberal elitist.  So am I.  Now I must
>   correct
>   | your correction.  While, unbeknownst to me, Donny Osmond (who I 
>believe I
>   | can call a very close personal friend of mine, since I interviewed him 
>   | Marie when I was working for a Pocatello radio station about 35,000 
>   | ago) may have indeed done a cover version of "One Bad Apple", the 
>   | bona-fida, honest to gosh original version was done by (pre-weird) 
>   | Jackson and the No Jive Jackson Five.  I believe, as one liberal 
>   to
>   | another, you owe me a profound apology.
>   |
>   |
>   |
>   |       Carl Westberg Jr.
>   |
>   | >From: "keely emerinemix" <kjajmix1 at msn.com>
>   | >To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>, "Carl Westberg"
>   <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
>   | >Subject: Re: [Vision2020] One bad apple evidently spoils the whole 
>   | >Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 17:40:29 -0800
>   | >
>   | >Carl, Carl.  Call me a liberal elitist, but I must correct you:  It
>   wasn't
>   | >Michael (as in Jackson) who sang "One Bad Apple."  No, that 
>   | >belongs to Donny (as in Osmond).  I know this because the song was, 
>   | >ashamed to say, one of the very first 45s that I ever purchased.
>   | >
>   | >But at least I feel really, really bad about it . . . and if Donny 
>   | >posters were cluttering the lawns of Pullman, I would absolutely 
>commit a
>   | >deliberate, vicious and spiteful act and pull 'em all up.
>   | >
>   | >
>   | >keely
>   | >   ----- Original Message -----
>   | >   From: Carl Westberg
>   | >   To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>   | >   Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:32 PM
>   | >   Subject: [Vision2020] One bad apple evidently spoils the whole 
>   | >
>   | >
>   | >   >From a letter to the editor in the Daily News:  "The nights 
>   | >   Election Day saw the deliberate, vicious, spiteful desecration of
>   every
>   | >   single strategically located Bush/Cheney campaign sign in Pullman. 
>   | >then,
>   | >   since no other collocated signs were disturbed we could 
>   | >conclude
>   | >   that the perpetrators were in support of a competing party...."  
>   we
>   | >to
>   | >   intuit from this that this act, which may have been committed by 
>   or
>   | >two
>   | >   miscreants acting entirely on their own, was sanctioned and 
>   by
>   | >   those supporting John Kerry?  Nope.  Sorry, not going to take the 
>   | >for
>   | >   this.  That's painting a whole bunch of people with a VERY large
>   brush.
>   | >The
>   | >   Democratic headquarters in Moscow was vandalized, also.  If I'm to
>   apply
>   | >the
>   | >   same logic, all Bush supporters sanctioned and approved that act.  
>   I
>   | >   don't.  Sing it, Michael...."One bad apple don't spoil the whole
>   | >   bunch"......
>   | >
>   | >
>   | >                                                       Carl Westberg 
>   | >
>   | >
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>    List services made available by First Step Internet,
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