[Vision2020] Conspiracy?

Scott Dredge sdredge at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 6 01:08:09 PST 2004

Bush's margin of victory was around 4 million in the
popular vote which puts the issue of voter fraud
affecting the outcome to rest.  The losing side has a
nasty habit of accusing the other side of stealing the
election.  The conservatives still claim that Kennedy
stole the 1960 election and pile heaps of praise on
Nixon for conceding and saving the country from having
to sort out the mess.

I do have one question about the voting...if Bush was
seen as the one better able to protect America from
terrorism and protection against terror strikes was so
high on the list of choosing a president, why is it
that New York (which was attacked) and New Jersey
(which lost so many in the 9/11 attack) voted for


--- Tbertruss at aol.com wrote:

> Regardless of whether Bush stole 
> this one, or not, we need a Marshall Plan to invest
> in the voting systems in 
> the US to monitor and improve everything.  It is
> astonishing the problems 
> reported that you describe with this election!  

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