[Vision2020] RE: answer to melynda
Eric Engerbretson
Thu, 27 May 2004 16:53:53 -0700
On May 27, 2004, at 3:28 PM, debismith@moscow.com wrote:
> After reader Eric E.'s answer to Melynda, I am more clear on where he
> stands.
> It it interesting how arrogant, close minded, and self-satisfied he
> comes off
> while attempting to portray himself as humble, open to others, and
> generous of
> spirit.
> These people need close watching, as they really do have n agenda
> inimicable to
> those not of their belief system. I, for one, am very put-off by the
> self-
> righteous conquest-for-your-own-good (where have we heard that
> before?)tone
> Eric has learned from Doug..
> Debi
> Robinson-Smith.
Well, Debbie, what can I say. I apologize that I come off that way to
you. My only
option to not being perceived as a person-who-thinks-he's-correct is to
just shut
up whenever someone asks my opinion.
The reason I try so hard to convince others that I am right is because
since becoming
a Christian I desperately care about people, and want to help them. So
I try to talk
about what I think is right. Anybody saying what they believe to be
right could be
described as "self-satisfied", I guess. The only way to not sound
"arrogant, close minded,
and self-satisfied" would be to start every one of my sentences with
"I'm not at all sure
this is true, but... my opinion is: "
And I'm not attempting "to portray" myself as "humble, open to others,
and generous of spirit."
I am trying to BE those things because they are not my nature. Again,
I don't know how
to try to be those things without it seeming like I'm trying to be
those things.
Yes, I do have an agenda that includes changing your mind. But I'm not
out to tweak any
Best regards,
Eric E.