[Vision2020] Here We Have Idaho

Robert Dickow Robert Dickow" <dickow@uidaho.edu
Tue, 18 May 2004 14:42:18 -0700

Thanks for making these available at yet another site, Tom. Actually, these
are available at the Lionel Hampton School of Music site, under 'student
resources', at our home page: http://music.uidaho.edu. Here are the song

http://www.class.uidaho.edu/music/content/hereid.html for Here We Have Idaho

http://www.class.uidaho.edu/music/content/GoVand.html for Go Vandals

I did the DSP processing and restoration from old LPs to make both these
mp3s, by the way, and I also arranged both of the MIDI orchestrations that
are available on these pages.


Robert Dickow (aka Bob Dickow, troublemaker)
Lionel Hampton School of Music

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Hansen" <thansen@moscow.com>
To: "Vision2020" <vision2020@moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:01 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] Here We Have Idaho

Greetings Visionaires -

With a special thanks to Torrey Lawrence, Assistant Professor of Music,
Hampton School of Music, I now have available for your listening and
download pleasure "Here We Have Idaho", our Alma Mater and our state song,
sung (wihtout musical accompaniment) by the UI Choir.  It is the second to
last entry (just above the UI Fight Song) at:


Take care,

Tom Hansen
UI '96

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-Robin Williams

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