[Vision2020] Carole King and I say . . .

Joan Opyr auntiestablishment at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 30 12:41:23 PDT 2004

Carl warns:

>It gets more confusing, Joan.  I believe in Doug's latest "lightly edited" old V2020 Wilson lecture to us >reprobates, your name is "Susan."  Rather than Sally Field, I see you as Joanne Woodward in "The >Three Faces of Eve."  

Good gravy!  This isn't The Three Faces of Eve -- it's one of those TV movies of the week, the kind where some crazed and bloated toad wearing thick birth control glasses stalks a series of complete strangers because they remind him of lovely Amber Marie who promised to go to the prom with him but she was only playing a cruel joke.  Instead, she went with the handsome quarterback and they stood by the punch bowl and laughed at the loser's limp corsage.

Do I need to call MPD?  I'm afraid to take a shower.

Amber . . . er, Auntie Establishment
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