[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agendas

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jun 25 16:51:53 PDT 2004




Monday, June 28, 2004
3:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor


1.   Approval of Minutes of June 14, 2004 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.   Wireless Telecommunications Co-location Agreement with Verizon - Bill

The City has been negotiating with Verizon Wireless to locate digital
cellular equipment on the Rotary Park water reservoir in accordance with the
City's co-location policy.  Verizon proposes to mount six panel antennas on
the water tank.  Additionally, Verizon proposes to construct a multipurpose
equipment building that would include public restrooms which would be gifted
to the City in exchange for the right to use a portion of the building to
house their cellular equipment and backup generator.  In accordance with
City water conservation efforts, the bathrooms will include low-flow
toilets, a waterless urinal and metered faucets.  


      ACTION:  Recommend approval and authorization of the Mayor's signature
on the lease agreement.


3.   Rural Community Block Grant Contract and Grant Assistance Agreement -
Bill Belknap

      The City of Moscow applied for and was subsequently awarded a Rural
Community Block Grant (RCBG) in the amount of $500,000 to assist in the
construction of a new facility for Comtech-AHA in the Alturas Research and
Technology Park.  In order to receive those funds, Commerce has provided the
standard Rural Community Block Grant Contract specifying the grant amount,
allowable uses and reporting requirements.  The Clearwater Economic
Development Association was selected by the Council to be the grant
administrator on this project.


      ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Rural Community Block Grant with
the State of Idaho and the Grant Assistance Agreement with Comtech AHA or
take such other action deemed appropriate.


4.   Report on Draft Amendment to Comp. Plan Ch. 13 - Joel Plaskon

Since 2003, the Planning and Zoning Commission has had a goal to resolve
density discrepancies between zoning and Comprehensive Plan.  The issue to
be resolved is due to lands being zoned or requested to be zoned such that
the zoning would allow higher density than suggested by the applicable
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation and despite the fact that the
applicant did not desire to exceed the densities suggested by the
Comprehensive Plan.  These situations resulted in re-zonings being approved
with density limitations as conditions of approval.  Such conditions are
difficult to track and carry risk in their administration.  They also lead
to potential confusion and misrepresentation for purchasers and/or
developers of such properties.

ACTION:  Accept report and provide feedback to staff as appropriate.

5.   Report on Draft Amendment to R-4 Zone - Joel Plaskon

Since 2002, the Planning and Zoning Commission has had resolution of density
conflicts between the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code as a goal.  In
an effort to have Code requirements which are reflective of actual
circumstances, staff is proposing an amendment to the R-4 zone to decrease
allowable density.  The proposal would bring density limits to those
considered achievable by developers and would make them consistent with
recently drafted Planned Unit Development permit amendments.  The proposal
would not restrict densities to less than those having been utilized by
developers recently in the R-4 Zoning district.

ACTION:  Accept report and provide feedback to staff as appropriate.

6.   Report on Draft Amendment to PUD Regulations - Joel Plaskon

Staff has initiated a rewrite of the Planned Unit Development permit
regulations of the Zoning Code.  The rewrite is intended to accomplish three
things:  (1) facilitate consistency between zoning densities and the
Comprehensive Plan, (2) encourage greater diversity and creativity in new
developments utilizing smart growth principles, and (3) to clarify and
streamline the PUD process.  

ACTION:  Accept report and provide feedback to staff as appropriate.

7.   Process for Cell Tower Location Policy - Joel Plaskon

Siting of telecommunications facilities (antenna towers, support structures,
antennas, and their ancillary facilities) are currently addressed in the
City Zoning Code, Sec. 6-14 Telecommunications Facilities. The section was
adopted by the City Council as Ordinance 2001-3 on February 5, 2001. A
temporary moratorium on antenna towers in excess of (35) feet was imposed by
Council during the summer of 2000 and was extended on December 18, 2000.
Ordinance 2001-3 established regulations on the type, height, design, and
location of antenna towers relative to other properties, and vary somewhat
dependent upon which zoning district the tower is proposed to be located in.
On May 18th, 2004 Staff received written comments requesting postponement of
current telecommunications applications and additional review of the
existing planning process as it relates to telecommunications facilities
siting within the City of Moscow.  These matters were discussed by the City
Council and members of the public on June 21, 2004, at which time the
Council passed a motion to have further consideration thereof by the
Administrative Committee for future report and recommendation to the


ACTION:  Accept report and provide feedback to staff as appropriate.



Status Report/Strategic Planning - Gary J. Riedner



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to
accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City
Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be






Monday, June 28, 2004
4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor


1.      Approval of Minutes of June 14, 2004  -  Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Report on Subdivision Lot Division Code Re-write - Joel Plaskon

Questions and concerns regarding the City's Lot Division Process and
Standards resulted in amendments to our lot division process.  Concerns and
questions had to do with public notice, public input, review by Planning and
Zoning Commission or lack thereof, lack of a definition of lot division, and
the fact that the lot division process is contained in Moscow City Code
Title 7, Chapter 1 (Construction Regulations, Building Code) rather than
Title 5, Chapter 1 (Public Ways and Property, Subdivisions).  Several
options were presented to the Council which resulted in direction that staff
continue to utilize the historical lot division process as called for in the
Code with the exceptions that public notice be given to property owners
within three hundred feet and that a disclaimer about potential legal and
procedural problems with the City's lot division process be given to
applicants.  In the meantime staff was to research legal issues related the
matter and draft new procedures and regulations for the lot division
process.  Staff has drafted a new lot division code proposal which we would
like to report to Council and begin solicitation of public input prior to
scheduling public hearings.  Additionally, staff has prepared a timeline for
completion of a rewrite of the Lot Division Code and a rewrite of the
Subdivision Code which we hope to complete by the end of November of this

ACTION:  Accept report and provide feedback to staff as appropriate.


3.      Surplus Property, Sig Sauer Firearm - Dan Weaver 

Captain Lanpher is retiring from the Moscow Police Department after 27 years
of service. As per our policy (MPD 7.H.2), Officers retiring after honorable
service may, with Council Approval, retain as a gift their service weapon.
As such, I am requesting the Council to surplus Captain Lanpher's issued
service weapon and allow him to retain it as a retirement gift.

ACTION:  Recommend approval of the surplus of Sig-Sauer weapon, for gifting
to Captain Lanpher.

4.      PCEI Public Information Agreement - Tom Scallorn

The recently accepted Water Conservation Plan contained recommendations for
Public Information and Education (PIE). The Palouse Clear Water
Environmental Institute (PCEI) has proposed the expansion of their existing
public information and educational programs to include Water Conservation
information and education on behalf of the City of Moscow. The attached
contract between PCEI and the City of Moscow is to provide these services
under the review of City staff.  The budget for this proposal is conditional
based on the 2005 budget.  PCEI has existing educational and information
programs that will meet the current needs of the City. These existing
programs are approved (accredited) and accepted. 

              ACTION:  Recommend approval of the contract for inclusion on
the Council Consent Agenda and for the Mayors signature.

5.      Sanitary Sewer Easement from Latah County - Dean Weyen

A 20 foot wide by approximately 60 foot long easement across Latah County
Fairgrounds property is required to construct the sanitary sewer to the
proposed Southgate Addition (Salsibury's).  The easement will be from Latah
County to the City of Moscow.   In accordance with County procedure, an
agreement must accompany the conveyance of the easement.  This sanitary
sewer is required to serve the proposed development and offers the City
certain benefits such as eventually allowing the elimination of the City's
sanitary sewer lift station at Stephany Court.

ACTION:  Recommend authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with
Latah County for conveyance of sewer easement.

6.   Geotechnical Engineering Services Agreement - Todd Kimsey

The Joseph Street Bridge Replacement is a federal aid project funded through
the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC), a statewide agency
that administers federal transportation monies throughout Idaho.  As a
federal aid project, certain design standards must be satisfied including a
full geotechnical report of the subsurface soil conditions at the bridge
site.  Staff is proposing contracting with STRATA, Inc. to provide their
services to properly obtain and test the necessary soil samples around the
Joseph Street Bridge and deliver the results of this testing to the City of
Moscow Engineering Department.

ACTION:  Recommend authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to
accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City
Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as soon as possible so that
arrangements may be made.


Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk

(208) 883-7015


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