[Vision2020] Proof/History

Scott Dredge sdredge@yahoo.com
Sat, 10 Jan 2004 01:19:30 -0800 (PST)


You are being unnecessarily rude to Jackie Woolf.  A
lot of people believe what Jackie wrote and while I
don't agree with it, at least it opens up this topic
for discussion. 

Pat Robertson says, "For those who love this country,
we are facing judgment. There has been no society who
has turned itself to widespread homosexuality that has
survived. The Greeks were into it, but they didn't
survive. Sooner or later God destroys them just like
He did Sodom and Gomorrah. When God moves, it can be

Full story at:

I don't believe that tolerance of homosexuality leads
to the collapse of a civilization.  A number of
civilizations have collapsed in world history.  The
Mayan and Aztec civilizations severely punished
homosexuals and yet they collapsed.  I think that
people and groups of people who don't like homosexuals
will always find reasons to justify their dislike and
this is one of their reasons even though it lacks

I do have a question for Jackie or anyone else who
wants to answer it.  Since you believe that
tolerance/allowance of homosexuality is going to lead
to the collapse of Western civilization, what do you
propose to stop/reverse the effect of those afflicted
with homosexuality?  Personally, if the shoe were on
the other foot for me and the majority of the world
was gay and yet I was still attracted to the opposite
sex (a matter which I confess I have no choice in), I
believe I would still want a commited, loving
relationship with my wife and I would expect that we
could be the same productive members of a homosexual
society even though we might be snickered at and
possible threatened with violence and banishment.  As
it is, I'm as tolerant of gays and gay couples as they
are of me and my family.


--- DonovArn@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 1/9/2004 8:53:05 AM Pacific
> Standard Time, 
> jfkwoolf2000@yahoo.com writes:
> Secondly, "Those who forget the past are destined to
> repeat it."
> In history is recorded societies that have
> allowed/tolerated open gay 
> relations,
> nudity and any other kind of debauchery you can
> think of....where are they 
> now?
> GONE!  The "moderns" in the old Greek society are a
> great example of just how 
> low
> a people can go before they crash.  Do you really
> want that for us?
> Does anyone know this women? I don't mean to be rude
> but is she mentally 
> disabled?  I really think she is if she believes
> this. Or I really hope she is 
> joking.
> Donovan J Arnold