[Vision2020] Merry Christmas

Tbertruss at aol.com Tbertruss at aol.com
Mon Dec 20 12:35:48 PST 2004

Keely et. al.

What stand would Christ take on the huge tax cuts of the Bush administration 
giving billions back to the ultra-rich while working single mothers with 
children can barely "survive" on minimum wage ($5.15 hr.) jobs?

And if your answer is that he would have wanted to give some of those 
billions to the hard working deserving poor, rather than back to the ultra-rich, 
and/or raise the minimum wage, I don't care what path Christ would have taken to 
shed "labels," the Religious Right in the USA would plaster him with a big sign 
declaring him a "tax and spend liberal."  Well, that is, unless they knew who 
he was, or who he was claiming to be, in which case they might label him a 
fraud, or actually be shamed into facing their betrayal of Christ's values.

If your answer is that Christ would have approved of the Bush administration 
tax cuts, and all they imply, and/or that he would not advocate raising the 
minimum wage, I am wrong.

Ted Moffett

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