[Vision2020] LMT 8/25/04 Moscow Chamber Rumors Denied

Melynda Huskey mghuskey at msn.com
Thu Aug 26 10:25:30 PDT 2004

Tami writes:

"My fear is that other vision 2020 members who lurk, and do not agree with 
the majority of the posts on this listserve, do not feel comfortable to 
speak their minds because of what generally happens to people who speak out 
against the majority.  Just like I said, I feel like I need to be defensive, 
and I don't even agree with "the other side"!  Most of the time, it is not 
typically the argument that is certain to come from list members that is 
most troubling, but the way in which the message is delivered.  It slams the 
door on any sort of discussion, conversation, or experience sharing and 
delivers the message that you either agree with us, or you shut up.  That is 
what I totally disagree with about this list."

This is an issue that has troubles me too.  Strong disagreement is 
predictable--and everybody's got their pet issues that they just can't 
resist going after (ask me how I feel about plagiarism!).  But I have often 
flinched at the language, the tone, or the approach taken--whether or not I 
agree with the argument.  Email encourages rudeness, which may be why so 
many folks recently have emphasized getting to know each other or seeing 
each other face-to-face--it's a corrective to the cheap shots that email 
makes so easy.

It's a huge challenge to sustain conversation about difference without 
getting too rabid or too squishy.  We may not always be able to do it, but 
as I look back on the three years or so that I've been on V2020, I think 
we've had some entertaining, enlightening, positive experiences.

So I hope you'll speak up (write up?) more often.  I was surprised to see 
500+ subscribers--we don't hear from most of the members, and I wish we did.

Melynda Huskey

P.S. Please excuse any typos--I had a painful dishwashing accident last 
night, and my little finger has a giant bandage on it that really inhibits 
my typing.

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