[Vision2020] conflict of interest

Jon Kimberling jon at n-k-ins.com
Thu Aug 5 11:08:32 PDT 2004

If you substitute the word "input" for the word "oversight", I believe we
come much closer to what may have transpired. I worked as closely with Paul
as perhaps anyone in the community in 2002/2003 while I was President of the
Chamber and then for the year or so I was on City Council. I know he would
seek and consider input from any citizen of the county including members of
Christ Church.

I also believe that the recent questions point out that it's easy for any of
us to stumble when we are on the public stage. I know I tell my staff
everyday to help me with my blind spots. However, I believe Tom Hudson said
it best in the editorial he sent to the paper earlier this week. I thank him
for allowing me to share it with you. See below.

Jon Kimberling

August 3, 2004

Dear Editor,

One of the keys to greatness in any town is an intangible: sense of
community.  Those places that have it accomplish great tasks even in the
face of adversity.  Those that don’t have little chance to do so.  So often
these days, I find towns struggling with their problems, lost in infighting.
In the face of difficulty, they circle the wagons and shoot inward.

Recently, I’ve seen a growing number of Moscowans take this destructive
tack.  We are quickly losing our common sense of community.  Rather than
collaborate with our leaders, we attack them.  Rather than agree to disagree
with our neighbors, we deride those who espouse a different view than our
own.  We’ve developed cliques that hammer away at each other on a daily
basis.  Our media fan the flames of controversy.

Rumor and speculation have started overwhelming fact and reason.  In some
cases, this inclination has reached the level of ‘feeding frenzy,’ where
commentary is more rabid than rational.  We’re hurting each other now, with
little to show for the effort except a decline in our precious sense of

A case in point: I, for one, don’t know all the facts about the issues
enveloping Paul Kimmell, our County Commissioner and Chamber Executive.  I
do know Paul, however.  Those who don’t should be introduced to him.  He is
a man of great integrity, intelligence and humility.  I feel blessed to call
him my friend and associate.  I am humbled by the quality of his character.
Please take time to meet this man before you judge him.  Like most of us, he
is doing his level best to make our community a better place.  Are you?

Tom Hudson

The Hudson Company

P.O. Box 8645

Moscow, ID  83843

ph: (208) 883-2890

fx: (208) 882-9283

Email: thudson at thehudsonco.com

Website: www.thehudsonco.com

Strategies & Planning for Building Community

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
To: <m1e2y3e4 at moscow.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 7:26 AM
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] conflict of interest

> Regarding the alleged Christ Church minutes stating that "Doug Wilson
> reported that Paul Kimmel, in his role as County Commissioner, is open to
> oversight from the elders on certain issues", perhaps someone in the know
> could provide some clarification.  I'm willing to concede that there could
> be a perfectly benign explanation, and this is much ado about nothing.
> until such an explanation is made available, this is an issue that (again)
> raises a red flag.  One problem for someone who knowingly, willingly, and
> forcefully thrusts himself onto the public stage, as Mr. Wilson has done,
> public scrutiny and criticism.  It's not all glitz and glamour being a
> public figure.  Off topic, it's been so hot lately, I hear that the cows
> giving evaporated milk.
> Carl Westberg Jr.
> >From: "Jim Meyer" <m1e2y3e4 at moscow.com>
> >To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> >Subject: [Vision2020] conflict of interest
> >Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 00:39:02 -0700
> >
> >All,
> >
> >In the conversations about Paul Kimmel and conflicts of interest, there
> >seems to be some confusion about the difference between financial
> >of interest and ideological conflict of interest.
> >
> >Ideological conflict of interest that takes priority over the public
> >though repulsive and dangerous in a public official is nonetheless legal.
> >It
> >is up to the interested voter to discern ideological conflict of
> >hopefully before the election. If ideological conflict of interest was
> >illegal there would eventually be only one party and one ideology
> >unpleasant and undemocratic thought.
> >
> >Financial conflict of interest means that a public official has derived
> >financial benefit as the result of decisions made during offical duties
> >office. I am not an attorney, but I suspect that the questions about Paul
> >Kimmel revolve not around whether he is paid by Christ Church, but rather
> >whether a reasonable person could conclude that payment affected his
> >ability
> >to make an unbiased decision while being a BOE member, something that is
> >probably difficult to prove except by establishing a pattern of behavior
> >the
> >sum of which overwhelmingly points to corruption. For this reason it
> >surprises me that any decent investigation would look at only one
> >instance of possible conflict (thus making the establishment of a pattern
> >impossible).
> >
> >I agree, however, that he should resign if truly--The Christ Church
> >state, "Doug Wilson reported that Paul Kimmell, in his role as County
> >Commissioner, is open to oversight from the elders on certain issues."
> >(That
> >is if he has any respect at all for himself, his office, or the
> >
> >Jim Meyer
> >
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