[Vision2020] The Naivete of Secularism

Captain Kirker captainkirker@hotmail.com
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 23:30:51 +0000


As Doug “the Bubba” Jones blathers all night about secular naiveté, he will 
not use his failure at Canon Press to illustrate the nature of religious 

I am, and shall remain, the Captain at your service.

>From: "Aaron Rench" <aaronrench@moscow.com>
>To: <vision2020@moscow.com>
>Subject: [Vision2020] The Naivete of Secularism
>Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 14:20:05 -0700
>Collegiate Reformed Fellowship will have Doug Jones speaking at our weekly 
>meeting tonight at 7:30pm in the Silver/Gold Room in the SUB at the 
>University of Idaho.
>Doug Jones, a fellow of philosophy at New St. Andrews College, will be 
>giving a talk, titled "The Naivete of Secularism," which will include 
>discussion of David Brooks' Atlantic Monthly essay "Kicking the Secular 
>Habit," the nature of secularism, why secularism tends to be so 
>unreflective about itself, why secularism is a fundamentalism, as well as, 
>provide specific examples of secular naivete.
>Everyone is invited.

Lose those love handles! MSN Fitness shows you two moves to slim your waist. 