[Vision2020] Proposed Pay Period Cut for U. of I. faculty and staff
bill london
Sun, 11 Apr 2004 10:42:49 -0700
With his approval, I am forwarding this message from Tom Trail to V2020. BL
>> Tom Trail wrote:
>>> I am writing a letter to President Michael concerning the proposed pay
>>> period cut for U. of I. faculty and staff. The letter will make the
>>> following
>>> points.
>>> 1. Staff who are currently at the poverty level or below should be
>>> excluded. During the CEC hearings during the legislative session
>>> I complied data with the assistance of university personnel
>>> offices
>>> indicating the salaries of staff.
>>> Close to 20 % of U. of I. staff are at the poverty line or
>>> below. This
>>> contrasts to about 12% for BSU and 6% for other state
>>> workers. The data
>>> masks the hardship on head of families who have to work at one
>>> or more
>>> jobs.
>>> A number of BSU staff were using food stamps and qualified
>>> for welfare. The same occurred with a number of state employees
>>> state patrolmen. A BSU Department was actually providing some
>>> free
> meals for staff who were below the poverty line. One must really
> reflect when a university department becomes a soup kitchen.
>>> 2. Set criteria for making exceptions for those staff who have severe
>>> hardship circumstances, i.e. high medical bills, etc.
>>> 3. Administrators to forgo two pay periods. This would be a dynamic
>>> signal to faculty and staff that leadership are willing to
>>> share in
>>> the joint solution of the problem.
>>> Rep. Ringo, Sen. Schroeder, and I have talked with many faculty,
>>> staff, and
>>> administrators since the end of legislative session about the U. of I.
>>> financial problems. We continue to direct efforts toward getting
>>> additional
>>> resources in our communications to the Governor and legislative
>>> leadership.
>>> t