[Vision2020] Case closed: Future lawyers in training -- Moscow school wins mock trial competition against Bishop Kelly

Ben Twigg bentwigg@yahoo.com
Fri, 9 Apr 2004 10:45:46 -0700 (PDT)

Tom Hansen wrote:

After dishing it out to the University of Idaho (among
other guv'ment schools), you are not willing to take a
helping yourself?

I respond: 

Mr. Hansen, perhaps you are confusing me with someone
else. I do not think that I have never criticized the
University of Idaho or any other academic institution
on Vision 2020. In July 2003 Douglas Stambler posted
an "open letter" and (originally) attributed it to me.
That message, for anyone who cares, is located at  


If you can provide a legitimate example of my "dishing
it out," I will gladly retract my statement above and
apologize for misleading this forum. If you cannot, I
would encourage you to do the same. 

Tom Hansen wrote: 

Care to list some "teachers, nurses, coaches,
engineers, accountants, foresters, artists, pastors,
carpenters, dieticians, musicians and small business
owners that once attended Logos"?  Or are they all
currently employed at Wilson, Inc.?

I respond:

Yes, I could name at least one individual who is not
currently employed by "Wilson, Inc." and is currently
employed (or was employed the last time I heard...in
some cases I do not correspond with the individual on
a regular basis) in each profession I mentioned. 

No, I will not post the names of these individuals on
a public forum without their permission. If you would
like further evidence that they really exist, please
feel free to contact me "offline."

On a different note, I should have worded my original
statement more carefully, and I apologize for not
doing that. By referring to each profession in the
plural (e.g., coaches, instead of coach), I may have
given the impression that I know many former Logos in
each profession, and that is not the case. It was not
my intention to mislead, but I should have been more

Ben Twigg

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