[Vision2020] Am I too demanding of Customer Service?

Saundra Lund sslund@adelphia.net
Thu, 8 Apr 2004 14:00:27 -0700

Donovan Arnold wrote:
"Keep in mind, I also have my favorites too. Win-Co . . . "

Hmmm . . . since it seems that Donovan and several others here shop at
WinCo, I'm hoping someone can help me out.  I have NOT shopped at WinCo
Foods because of their history of exploitative labor practices (specifically
with regard to women and part-time employees).  I first learned about the
issues involved several (5+) years ago.  I never heard of a favorable
resolution to the issues, and a quick Web search seems to indicate that at
least some of the issues are still problematic for WinCo Foods.

So, I'm wondering if y'all know something specific about the Moscow store
that makes you feel OK about shopping there?  Is the local store somehow
different than the big WinCo Foods?  For years, I've heard people sing the
praises of WinCo, and I'd love to hear that the exploitative labor practices
have stopped so that I could see what the big appeal of the store is.

Saundra Lund
Moscow, ID

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
-Edmund Burke