FW: [Vision2020] Vandals
Dan Carscallen
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 12:16:28 -0700
I have heard the only reason Cable is staying is to make sure his staff
stays employed. There's something to be said for being loyal.
-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-admin@moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-admin@moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Tim Lohrmann
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 12:10 PM
To: thansen@moscow.com
Cc: vision2020@moscow.com
Subject: Re: FW: [Vision2020] Vandals
I believe Cable already had some offers to coach
offensive linemen in the pros. If he has offers like
that, I doubt that he'd drop down to line coach here.
Cable is pretty well-connected, if things don't
imporove drastically in conference play, he'll have a
cushy asst. coaching job locked up before the season's
--- thansen@moscow.com wrote:
> The problem is not with the team. We have the
> talent to strongly compete at 1A
> level. The problem is with management (coaching).
> Coach Cable is 1-5 against
> 1AA colleges. This is NOT acceptable by anybody's
> standards.
> Coach Cable makes an excellent, hard-to-beat
> offensive coordinator. He has
> prove this at Colorado. Some people are simply not
> cut out to be head
> coaches. This has been proven more than once in the
> NFL. Being a long-time
> Raider fan-atic, I loved it when Al Davis made Art
> Shell head coach of the
> Raiders a number of years ago. After a couiple bad
> seasons, Art Shell was
> without a job until the Chiefs picked him up as
> offensive line coach where he
> excelled.
> My suggestion: Pick up Casey Dunne (assisted under
> Mike Price at WSU and an
> Idaho alum) and drop Cable to the Offensive
> Coordinator position.
> Any thoughts?
> Tom Hansen
> UI
> '96
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