[Vision2020] Timing of the City Council Workshop

Mike Curley curley@turbonet.com
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 09:24:40 -0700

I find it a little surprising that now that the "city" has recognized that it doesn't 
communicate very well with the citizens of Moscow that it has decided to have a 
workshop with a professional facilitator only one month BEFORE an election that could 
change as many as two-thirds of the council members.  Since council members 
Kimberling and Thomason are not seeking reelection, there will be at least two new 
council members who will not have participated in the workshop whether they 
attended to observe or not.  Why was the decision made to have the workshop now 
instead of a few weeks from now--after the City Council elections?  It seems to me this 
is more than just a "watch and learn" lecture, but an opportunity for Council to reach a 
consensus on a team approach to not only receiving public input but for providing 
information to the public.  Why was it better to do this now than when the new council 
team is decided?
Mike Curley