[Vision2020] Collaborating Tom Hanson's story...

Donovan Arnold donovanarnold@hotmail.com
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 20:04:25 -0700

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<P>I can see where this can all be confusing to someone that thinks that Clark took the stand against the war and thinks there was bill that that said, "Do you support the war?" Yes or No?</P>
<P>Clark has a different stance and always has than that of Dean. Clark opposed the handling of the war and has said that it was unneeded at the time and that it had nothing to do with the war on terror. </P>
<P>That has been his stance for a long time. It is confusing when you put it in terms of Yes or No in supporting the war. Clark opposes the war because it was mishandled and started at a time when it was not necessary. If you understand this than you see that there is no contradiction in his words. Clark is not Howard Dean. His stance is a little more complicated and harder to understand than just for or against. </P>
<P>Clark is the leading Democratic candidate for the nomination by nearly a 2:1 margin and is beating Bush in the national polls 49-46%. He is the best chance to defeat Bush.</P>
<P>Clark is not perfect. Nor is he a polished career politician. He will make mistakes with his words and will sometimes fall for loaded questions of media people that try to play "gotcha games". He is going to be the target of both Democrats and Republicans because he is defeating the Democrats and would defeat Bush. Half the stuff I hear is pure garbage or opinions or simply speculation, most of the other stuff is taken out of context. I admit some is not good. He was removed from office one year early because he didn't get alone with the Republican Secretary of Defense. He also spent 35 years in the military, and did make mistakes during that time. He also has a big ego. But people that claim he puts the lives of men under him at risk are flat out wrong. He never lost the life of a single man in the Bosnian war, not one life. Never has that been before. Also when he was 3-star general he tied himself to a tree with a rope and lowered himself down a hill, pulled the bodies!
  of the men from a jeep and rolled down despite the fact that the men were most likely dead and an advancing army was coming right at him. He also earned a Purple Heart, Silver Star, and Bronze Star, in Vietnam and the Presidential Medal of Honor as a private citizen. </P>
<P>The bottom line is though that this election will come down to only Clark or Bush. Dean and Clark are the only two that have a chance at the nomination. Clark and Kerry are the only ones that poll that can defeat Bush. Obviously, it is wiser to choose the one candidate that can win both the General Election and Nomination if you want Bush gone.</P>
<P>Clark is not as liberal as I would like him to be. However, he is the most liberal candidate that can defeat Bush.</P>
<P>Please visit: <A href="http://www.clark04.com%20and%20www.women4clark.com/">www.clark04.com and www.women4clark.com</A>&nbsp;and read more on Clark. I am having someone work on a website for "Northwest for Clark" to go with my already existing Yahoo "Northwest for Clark" group that should be up in about&nbsp;a week. </P>
<P>Donovan J Arnold</P>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;From: "Sunil Ramalingam" <SUNILRAMALINGAM@HOTMAIL.COM>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;To: dmcourtn@moscow.com, vision2020@moscow.com 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Collaborating Tom Hanson's story... 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 15:01:11 -0700 
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<P>Articles such as this one are popping up all over the place, from the Washington Times to Counterpunch and Truthout on the opposite side of the political spectrum.&nbsp; I don't know if the claims made in them can be discussed without any further attacks on Tom Hansen's military career; nevertheless, if there is a worthwhile rebuttal, I'd be interested in reading it.</P>
<P>This article I found in Truthout suggests that Clark wrote in favor of the war.&nbsp; </P>
<P><A href="http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/091803A.shtml">http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/091803A.shtml</A></P>
<P>If indeed he wrote in support of the war, when the mainstream press gets around to reporting this, it might call into question Clark's anti-war credentials.</P>
<P>I haven't decided which Democrat I'm going to vote for in the primary ( I can think of a couple for whom I will not vote) and I do want to see Bush out of the White House; I just don't buy the idea yet that Clark is THE CANDIDATE, particularly if he's flip-flopped on the war.</P>
<P>[I have deleted the actual article from&nbsp;this post, but anyone sufficiently motivated can look for Dale's post.]</P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;From: "Dale Courtney" <DMCOURTN@MOSCOW.COM>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: [Vision2020] Collaborating Tom Hanson's story... 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 13:27:08 -0700 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Tracing Clark's military map 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;By Jack Kelly 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Published September 19, 2003 
<DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUS/2737??PS=">Instant message with integrated webcam using MSN Messenger 6.0. Try it now FREE</a> </html>

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