[Vision2020] Aaaaaa! Slavery!
Peter Willard
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 14:19:53 -0700
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At 11:25 AM 10/14/03 -0700, Nate Wilson wrote:
>P.S. I would still love to see anyone at least admit that M. Sanger's
>Planned Parenthood was founded on racist ideals.
Actually because of this discussion I started looking at George Fitzhugh's
"Cannibals All!", a pro-slavery (to say the least) book from the 1850s and
Sanger's "Women and the New Race"; both online at many places. Interesting
juxtaposition and not as disjoint as I would have expected.
Sanger sounds a lot like a Republican with respect to not providing help to
the poor as that only encourages them; I mean the measures to cut benefits
to families who have new children while on Welfare not to mention the
expectation that mothers with infants must also work outside the home.
Not convinced that Darwin deserves any blame for the Eugenicists in spite
of anti-Celtic remarks in the Descent of Man...
I don't know what to say about Fitzhugh yet, just that I've never read
anything like that before. Almost like the first encounter with
Schopenhauer in its mental tilt-a-whirl effect. Is Fitzhugh's point of view
about the South and slavery part of what you are trying to say? That would
be interesting to see developed as it is quite at odds with democracy,
laissez faire capitalism, and free labor, especially in the "at will"
states like Idaho, that most people take for granted as unqualified goods
right now.
I think of the CSA as a racist society because of artifacts like the
"Cornerstone" speech of Alexander Stephens, folks should note Lincoln's
letter to Stephens about that, and also because I think of slavery as a
crime mostly perpetrated against blacks. I should mention the Trail of
Tears ran through the racially harmonious South, but I don't want to
complicate things.
I'm sure this has something to do with Moscow, perhaps the plan to sell
most of the inhavbitants "down the river" should be discussed more openly?
It would be interesting to see what the Daily News had in mind with running
that story on the front page; other than to disturb me on Saturday morning,
is this all there is to the story?
Breeding horses from birds? Why not? It might take a lot of birds and a few
centuries and there's no real reason to do it. Just take a look at some of
the fancy breeds of chicken for some idea.
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