[Vision2020] Alturas

Debbie Gray dgray@uidaho.edu
Thu, 06 Nov 2003 16:50:43 -0800 (PST)

I wouldn't classify 'Just Like Home' as moving from downtown. They were
located in more of the residential area on 'A' street in an old house that
has now been converted to a single family home again. I think their move
was good for many reasons including the ability to attract businesses to
Alturas because they would have on-site daycare.

I don't quite understand the continuing opposition to Alturas having
low-tech businesses. Would people prefer those offices sat vacant? I
understand the feelings some have of perhaps being misled or whatever, but
now that it is here and ready to use, what's the problem?

Debbie Gray (at work? at home? on officially sanctioned 15 minute break?
Late lunch?  UIstudent? UIstaff? all of the above? none of the above?
honored retiree? distance education student from Parma? an email address
doesn't provide the whole story)

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, bill london wrote:

> D-
> I was hoping that Barbara Crouch or BJ Swanson or someone with more
> uptodate info would respond to your question, but in the meantime.....
> I believe the list of businesses that moved from downtown to Alturas
> would include:
> Walker (attorney office)
> Mann and Stanke (accountants)
> Andrea Beckett  (accountants)
> Just Like Home (daycare)
> there are other tenants of Park Place Plaza, but I do not know if they
> moved from town.
> BL
> Dan Carscallen wrote:
> >I'd like to see the list of businesses that have moved from downtown to
> >Alturas, just for curiosity's sake
> >
> >DC
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: vision2020-admin@moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-admin@moscow.com]
> >On Behalf Of bill london
> >Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:36 AM
> >To: joann mack; steve busch; jack hill; jon; mtethoma; mcomstock; Peg
> >Hamlett; linda pall; John Dickinson; nancy Chaney
> >Cc: Vision2020
> >Subject: [Vision2020] Alturas
> >
> >
> >    The government is meddling in private business again.  The City
> >Council of Moscow is undermining the free market by creating a
> >tax-supported office park that will drain professional offices and other
> >
> >businesses from downtown.
> >    Now is the time for any local businessperson who owns rental
> >property downtown or any Moscow resident who pays taxes to contact the
> >Council and demand that the city get out of the office park business.
> >    This should be a wake-up call to anyone who believes in the free
> >enterprise system.  It's time to stop the gradual erosion of Alturas
> >from a high-tech job creation  business park into a tax-supported office
> >
> >mall.
> >    The City Council has (again) ignored the recommendations of the city
> >
> >planning and zoning commission.  The Council has voted to expand the
> >language in the zoning requirements to allow virtually any business or
> >professional office into Alturas.  The planning and zoning commission
> >wrote the requirements to allow professional offices that "support"
> >high-tech businesses into Alturas.  Now, the Council voted to broaden
> >that requirement to allow offices that "could support"
> >high-tech--essentially, making it possible for anyone to get into
> >Alturas.
> >    Whenever a business moves from downtown into Alturas, we lose in
> >many ways.  The downtown property owners lose a renter.  The original
> >mission of Alturas is corrupted, since there is no job creation involved
> >
> >in shifting a job from downtown to Alturas.  The taxpayers will have to
> >pay more to expand Alturas if it fills with accountants and lawyers and
> >an actual high-tech business wants to move there.  The move contributes
> >to the sprawling growth of town into the wheat fields.
> >    The Council is planning on discussing this change to the zoning
> >requirements at the November 17 meeting.  Perhaps there is still time to
> >
> >contact the Council members and suggest that they reconsider this
> >blatant attack on the free enterprise system.
> >BL
> >
> >_____________________________________________________
> > List services made available by First Step Internet,
> > serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
> >               http://www.fsr.net
> >          mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com
> >
> >
> >
> >.
> >
> >
> >
> _____________________________________________________
>  List services made available by First Step Internet,
>  serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
>                http://www.fsr.net
>           mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com


  Debbie Gray      dgray@uidaho.edu      http://www.uidaho.edu/~dgray/
  We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to
  have the life that is waiting for us." --Joseph Campbell