[Vision2020] Posting to Vision2020

amy smoucha asmoucha@hotmail.com
Thu, 06 Nov 2003 11:22:08 -0600

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<P>This new thread is so useless, I am tempted once again to unsubscribe.&nbsp; I thought this listserve was supposed to foster communication between people in Moscow.&nbsp; Mr. Courtney, your posts do nothing but try to shut down communication, and are immature personal attacks.&nbsp; It's so pathetic, it's hard to take.&nbsp; We are now in a George Orwell novel, and it's not ok.&nbsp; Folks at the university, at community organizations, retirees, faith communities . . . we need all of them if our discussions&nbsp; are to strengthen this community.&nbsp; I resent anyone who attempts to shut down and restrict people from posting.&nbsp; Responsible adults manage their work time and break time appropriately, and we are all responsible adults.&nbsp; Stop using petty attacks to reduce all of us.</P>
<P>Can we please just drop this whole meaningless thread and get back to using the listserve for discussion of community issues?</P>
<DIV></DIV>----Original Message Follows---- 
<DIV></DIV>From: "Dale Courtney" <DMCOURTN@MOSCOW.COM>
<DIV></DIV>Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Posting to Vision2020 
<DIV></DIV>Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 06:27:05 -0800 
<DIV></DIV>Tom H. wrote: 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; The issue is punching a time card and the taxpayers reasonably 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; expecting that someone is actually working as opposed to 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; responding to 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; Vision2020 emails and surfing the web all day long. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; Every business, whether it be public or private, has 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; established working hours. At UI (during the fall, winter, 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; and spring), these hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Monday 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; thru Friday excluding holidays) with an hour off for lunch 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; (and one 15 minute-break each before and after lunch). 
<DIV></DIV>What are the UI standards for personal use of computers and computer time 
<DIV></DIV>for doing personal work (Vision2020, surfing web, etc)? 
<DIV></DIV>And is this a school-wide policy? Or varies from manager to manager. 
<DIV></DIV>If there's a policy, please point me to it. I'd like to read it. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; Again, regardless if an employee is on salary or a wage 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; earner, (s)he is expected to be "on the job". Thus, time 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; management has been defined. 
<DIV></DIV>Tom, this really is simplistic. The *reason* that faculty don't punch the 
<DIV></DIV>clock is because they are often doing research; teaching part-time; not 
<DIV></DIV>teaching at all; teaching overloads (and only get paid full time); 
<DIV></DIV>professional readings; etc. 
<DIV></DIV>So, while you may *think* that the two are the same, they are completely 
<DIV></DIV>different -- hence the expectations, responsibilities, and even the manner 
<DIV></DIV>of being paid (punching a time clock; taking breaks; being tenured; etc) is 
<DIV></DIV>*completely* different. 
<DIV></DIV>Oh, and FWIW, staff and faculty are typically paid from different pots of 
<DIV></DIV>money. I don't know how the UI does it, but I'd be surprised if it's not the 
<DIV></DIV>same there. 
<DIV></DIV>If you would like, I'd be glad to do an analysis of *all* UI staff employees 
<DIV></DIV>who post to Vision2020. Just send me their names (I don't know who they are) 
<DIV></DIV>and I'll do a full spreadsheet and graph for you -- pro bono. 
<DIV></DIV>List services made available by First Step Internet, 
<DIV></DIV>serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994. 
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