[Vision2020] Banned music

Thomas Hansen tomh@FNA.fsn.uidaho.edu
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 13:27:06 -0800

Correction, Mr. Camden-Britton.  The Dixie Chicks fif not defame our

To quote the article that you link to:

"Country stations across the United States have pulled the Chicks from
playlists following reports that lead singer Natalie Maines said in a
concert in London earlier this week that she was "ashamed the president of
the United States is from Texas."

Private businesses (the radio stations) decided not to play Dixie Chicks
songs after that incident.  Realizing that this "banning" by several
privately-owned radio stations could cost them money, the Dixie Chicks later
apologized for their comment concerning President Bush.

Just setting the record straight.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

-----Original Message-----
From: David Camden-Britton [mailto:davidcb@turbonet.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 1:18 PM
To: vision2020@moscow.com
Subject: [Vision2020] Banned music

Speaking of banned groups, here's what happens when you dare to utter a 
critical word about this Great Country of Ours (TM).

David Camden-Britton  -=)*(=-  davidcb@turbonet.com 

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