[Vision2020] First Step Tech Examines Dale's 38 K Post

Ted Moffett ted_moffett@hotmail.com
Tue, 03 Jun 2003 00:57:43 +0000

Dale et. al.

Your post that I referred to that I thought could have been "downsized" (a 
virtuous goal for a libertarian), while still providing the important 
content, showed up in my inbox via the vision2020 list serve, at 38 K.  My 
reply that included your entire post's text as you sent it, with my text 
added, with some HTML code stripped out of course, showed up in my inbox at 
22 K via the vision2020 list serve.  This was verified at First Step 
Internet in person with yours truly and a First Step tech viewing the actual 
e-mails in question on a First Step computer displaying my Hotmail account.

We examined the content of your vision2020 post at 38 K and my vision2020 
reply at 22 K, as they both were displayed off my Hotmail account, looking 
at the actual code, to explain why there was a 16 K difference.

Though all the text of your vision2020 post was included in my reply with my 
new text added, HTML code that was included in your vision2020 post was 
stripped away in my reply.  This often happens, but 16 K worth?

You are correct that simply adding color to text is a minor addition to the 
size of an e-mail.  Then why the 16 K difference?  According to the tech, 
when you use a sophisticated e-mail program like Outlook Express, or other 
e-mail programs that can add color, etc. there are numerous HTML code 
additions to the e-mail that can add size, depending on how things are set 
up.  The First Step tech concluded that to explain the 16 K difference in 
size between your vision2020 post and my reply meant that you were using a 
sophisticated e-mail program that added a lot of HTML code.

I could also use HTML, or Rich Text options to do e-mail in my Hotmail 
account, but chose to keep my e-mail in what is called plain text format, 
dramatically reducing the size of my e-mails.

I can understand wanting to do fancy e-mails etc. but still think it best to 
keep the size of e-mails to a minimum necessary to communicate what is 
needed, in the context of a public internet list serve

My original statement focusing on JUST color to add to e-mail size stands 

What I should have said is: "Please use plain text formatting, or some other 
simpler formatting, in your e-mails to reduce the size."


>From: "Dale Courtney" <dale@courtneys.us>
>To: <vision2020@moscow.com>
>Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Public vs. Private Schools and Parental 
>Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 15:42:17 -0700
> > Dale, et. al.
> >
> > Why colored text for your vision2020 posts?  It increases the
> > size of the
> > e-mail, which for those of us with limited inbox storage is an issue.
>Ted, my last colored Email was only 8 kb in size. This email of yours to 
>list was 34 kb in size because you included the previous two Emails in the
>thread along with your response.
>Let's all be good stewards of bandwidth (e.g., my images are not attached;
>they are linked). But colors in HTML are only a tag and take up an
>*insignificant* amount of space (about 29 characters for the entire page, 
>done correctly).
>If you would like, I'll ask Doug Stambler to help you setup Yahoo! 
>He well knows how to have unlimited, free mailbox space!  :)
>Dale Courtney
>Moscow, Idaho
>  List services made available by First Step Internet,
>  serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
>                http://www.fsr.net
>           mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com

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