[Vision2020] uranium denial -- GUTLESS DEMOS

Douglas dougwils@moscow.com
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 09:56:28 -0700


Apologies to Tom for accidentally answering him publicly. My mistake -- again.

For the rest, it seems that you all have this unshakeable notion that I am 
a Republican, and that I am trying to insinuate some oblique defenses of 
the current regime. But the difference between Clinton and Bush is like the 
difference between Nero and Vespasian. I am opposed to the Pax Americana, 
whether it comes in the Republican light blue or the Democratic powder 
blue. The last presidential election where Americans had a real choice to 
go in one of two opposite directions occurred a long time before I was 
born. I offer observations on the differences between Clinton and Bush as a 
disinterested observer -- and not a defender of either.

Douglas Wilson