[Vision2020] Melynda Huskey Charges John Harrell Falsely With Plagrism

Melynda Huskey melyndah@wsu.edu
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:25:09 -0700

At 04:09 PM 6/30/2003 -0700, John Harrell wrote:

>I have never seen that website.

He also wondered plaintively why I always rush to believe the worst of 
people.  Well, it's all those years of teaching college composition, where 
I regularly had conversations just like this one.

This is one for the National Enquirer, John.  You've never seen the site, 
and yet you quote it with extraordinary exactitude:

"The Future of the Second Amendment "
By Joseph R. Larson
Chairman, restoringamerica.org

"Norman Thomas, Socialist and member of the Civil Liberties Union, boldly 
told the world, "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, 
but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the 
Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation without 
ever knowing how it happened."------ The story of how the Socialists took 
over the American educational establishment would fill a book; a story for 
another day. [. . .]

"Our enemies agree fully. It was Adolph Hitler who said, "Let me control 
the textbooks, and I will control the state."

" "Give me your four year olds," said Lenin "and in a generation I will 
build a Socialist state."

"Lesbian author Patricia Warren, boldly told the gay and lesbian community, 
"It is the FIRST fact of civilization that-- whoever captures the kids - 
owns the future."

"In his book *The Science Of Power*, Benjamin Kidd wrote, ". Give us the 
young. -- Give us the young and We will create a new mind and a new Earth 
in a SINGLE generation."

"Ross L. Finny, a socialist PhD in one of his books tells us this; 
"Everything depends on passing out the expert opinions of the social 
scientists to the masses of the people; the schools are the only adequate 
agency for this function."

"Lastly, the American Humanist Association understands the importance of 
capturing the children for they have written: "In order to capture this 
nation, one has to totally remove moral and spiritual values and absolutes 
from the thinking of the child. The child has to think that there is no 
standard of right and wrong, that truth is relative, and that diversity is 
the only absolute to be gained."

That URL, for those who missed it the first time around, is


That big fat meany,

Melynda Huskey