[Vision2020] bikes roundup for Africa
Bill London
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:00:30 -0800
Message from Dave Peckham at the Village Bicycle Project....
> Bicycle round-up through the weekend of March 8 and 9
> Its time again for the Village Bicycle Project bikes roundup for Ghana.
> In Ghana just last month, the government doubled the price of fuel. This
> means a sharp increase in transit fares, and reductions in service. The
> need for bicycles can be expected to rise sharply.
> We’re planning on six workshops this summer, distributing our best 120 bikes
> to villagers throughout Ghana. (News of workshops below.)
> Donate your old bikes and help prepare them for packing. Our first choice
> is mountain bikes, and mountain bike parts, but any adult bike or any usable
> parts will be of use in Ghana. Please, no children’s bikes this time, our
> Seattle partners just sent 100 kids bikes to Goodwill.
> Bikes do not need to be in good repair, our Ghana partners are very capable
> mechanics, and there are many bike repairers in Ghana who do not have enough
> work.
> Moscow drop site is in the alley behind the Latah Credit Union, 900 South
> block, between Washington and Jefferson, Moscow. Bike packing party (tools
> provided) will be there on Sunday March 9, starting at 2 pm.
> Pullman drop site is 130 NW Windus.
> Spokane donations, email Mike at mldriscoll@adspec-spokane.com
> Weekend of March 14 thru 16 Convoying bikes to Seattle and loading the
> container. It's all fun! We need trucks and drivers. ghanabikes@yahoo.com,
> or 892-2681
> --------------------
> We did two workshops in Liati, Ghana in late November. On February 19 I
> received this email from Sunni Rodgers, the Peace Corps Volunteer and
> village host for one workshop. The other was hosted by PCV Jess in a nearby
> village.
> --- Rodgers Sunniva < > wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> >I met with my 20 bike buyers the other day. I
> >wanted
> >to see how everything was going with their bikes. i
> >couldn't have gotten more praise from a project then
> >they gave yours!! nothing but great remarks....."it
> >has helped cut my farming time in half", "it is a
> >wonderful project", "george and samson taught us a
> >lot", "the bikes are good-o", "i save a lot of money
> >going from golokwati or wote and back" (you heard
> >they
> >increased the gas prices-double?? the lorry fare
> >has
> >increased even too much for my pocket). anyhoo,
> >they
> >liked what you are doing, keep it up:) i asked if
> >they have had any troubles with the bikes, and only
> >a
> >few commented on their breaks, and one on his back
> >selector. besides those, no one is having too much
> >trouble. no one has even tried to get free parts
> >out
> >of the deal!!!!! of course they are now trying to
> >find all the "necessary" gear for their bikes, but
> >on
> >their own. so, this brings me to my next
> >question----
> >both Jess and my counterpart having been talking to
> >each other about trying to get a second batch for
> >both
> >our villages. Jess and I were going to wait to see
> >how they handle the bikes before we even considered
> >it, but hearing all the praise, that no one has had
> >major troubles, and seeing the initiative that our
> Ø counterparts are taking, i think i would be good
> And special thanks to workshop sponsors Tri-State, Moscow Food Co-op, Moscow
> Rotary Club
> Village Bicycle Project
> C/o PCEI
> Box 8596
> Moscow, ID 83843
> Village Bicycle Project is a project of the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental
> Institute www.pcei.org
> To be removed from the email list, send a reply to
> villagebikesp@hotmail.com, with unsubscribe in the subject line
> You are on the Palouse list. If this is an incorrect location for you,
> reply to villagebikesp@hotmail.com, and tell us where in the world you are!
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