[Vision2020] Invitation to the CERJ List
John Wilmerding
Sun, 23 Feb 2003 04:08:34 -0500
The CERJ List (a global peace and justice resource based in Brattleboro, VT, USA)
OWNED BY: John Wilmerding and the Campaign/Coalition for Equity-Restorative Justice (CERJ)
A global plain text email-based colloquium and consortium for those with a serious theoretical and/or activist-oriented interest in peace, conflict resolution, radical non-violent ("Restorative") justice, and societal reforms.
The CERJ list carries articles, 'discussion' messages, announcements, event notifications, book reviews, job advertisements, bulletins, news releases, requests for proposals and other plain-text printed matter. It also carries introductory self-descriptions of individuals from all walks of life and their peacemaking and social ("Restorative") justice work, whether it be as a volunteer, professional, or activist. List volume can be fairly high -- sometimes upwards of 20-25 messages per week, or as many as 10 or so in a single day -- and the subscribership to the list in recent months has ranged from 300-700 persons.
Managed and operated by Friend (Quaker) John Wilmerding since early 1997 (a predecessor list existed for two years before that), most messages on the list are strongly pacifist-oriented and are sometimes even anti-establishmentarian in tone and emphasis. However only a very small percentage of the list's several hundred subscribers are Quakers. The list grew in part out of Wilmerding's tenure as Secretary of a United Nations Working Party on Restorative Justice in 1996-97.
Much like a newspaper editor, the list manager edits messages for spelling, grammar, presentation, format, and appearance. One unique feature of the list's manually-maintained technology is that CERJ messages may be targeted by jurisdiction -- by state, region, country, etc. No attachments are permitted or forwarded, and messages are always sent in ASCII plain-text only, to avoid viruses and similar noxious content. The CERJ list of email addresses is never openly distributed or sold.
All editing and processing of the list's messages and subscriber database is accomplished manually -- there are no automatic list commands one has to know to subscribe, unsubscribe, or change the terms of subscription. The CERJ list does not carry fund appeals (except very occasionally a modest CERJ appeal) or advertisements. Aliases, nicknames, and pseudonyms are discouraged except in case of obvious risks to contributors' personal safety.
TO SUBSCRIBE: Send your first and last name, your email address, AND your state, province, or country of residence to cerj@igc.org or to John Wilmerding at wilmerding@earthlink.net. All subscription changes are effected manually. There is no 'digest' version of the list available, and temporary cessation of email from the list must be accomplished by submitting a personal request to the manager to manually unsubscribe and re-subscribe.
CERJ@igc.org wilmerding@earthlink.net
John Wilmerding, Convener and List Manager
Coalition for Equity-Restorative Justice (CERJ)
1 Chestnut Hill, Brattleboro, VT, ZIP: 05301-6073
Phone: 1-802-254-2826 | 1-802-380-0664 (cellular)
CERJ was founded in New York in May, 1997.
"Work together to reinvent justice using methods
that are fair; that conserve, restore, and even
create harmony, equity and good will in society."
To join (or leave) the CERJ email list, kindly send
me an email message at wilmerding@earthlink.net
or at cerj@igc.org. I'll need your first & last name,
your email address, and your state, province or
country of residence. Thank you! -- John W.