[Vision2020] Interesting Report by S&P on Michigan's Govt Schools
Tom Hansen
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 07:41:18 -0800
Dale Courtney stated:
"Ah, but how nice it would be if:
A) If you saw children in elementary school doing this."
Could you name one elementary school that does? You apparently fail to
understand the concept of "elementary" school.
"B) You didn't have to wait until you were 45 years old and in college to be
taught them."
If you are implying that I personally had to wait until I was in my forties
to attend college to learn thses concepts, you are partly correct. For 20
years (up to six months prior to attending college) I wore the uniform of
the US Army. When I attended college, it was because I wanted to, not
because my Mommy and Daddy wanted me to. By the way, where did you go to
college and what degree did you earn?
"C) You didn't have to have the money to go to college to learn them."
Name one college that is absolutely free and provides quality education. My
definition of "free" is that somebody else pays for it.
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho