[Vision2020] Town Hall Meeting

Douglas dougwils@moscow.com
Mon, 08 Dec 2003 12:56:34 -0800


Just a reminder -- we have a town hall meeting this Thursday night at the 
Kenworthy. 7:00 pm. I would love to see any of you there.

Andreas represents this as a tribute to my capacity for keeping a ball in 
play. I just gotta be in the limelight and so I have cleverly arranged to 
keep that cascading waterfall of slander coming. Just call it a strange 
hobby of mine. But he is wrong about one thing: this will be a genuine town 
hall meeting, with us taking questions from the floor and answering them as 
best we can. But fortunately, all the people that really have the goods on 
me have decided not to come, and are using this close-mindedness as a 
tribute and testimony to their ongoing membership in the Tolerance Brigade.

The real news is that Ed Sebesta has not yet linked me to Kevin Bacon.

Debi Robinson-Smith has found the company of folks on her side of the aisle 
who are "full of laughter, intelligent conversation, creativity, and joy." 
I was wondering if she could get some of these people to post to this 
forum, or write a letter to the editor.

Tom Hansen has a new idea for the "Not In Our Town" folks. There is more 
than one way to run somebody out of town apparently. But this has to be 
done with a measure of deftness, because afterwards it has to provide that 
special glow in the conscience that tells one that he has been a paradigm 
of openness and tolerance. That's hard to do when you are still trying to 
get the tar and chicken feathers off your fingers.

Richard Newsome asked if all the folks in Christ Church are required to 
fall into line on historical questions like slavery. The answer is, "Of 
course not." But they have been taught that lying is bad, and all of them 
(together with me) have had some of the most extraordinary lies told about 
all of us -- which they know about first hand. They know a cafeteria food 
fight when they see one.

Not only that, but I have had a number of people (from outside our church 
community) stop me on the street to say something like this, "You know, I 
don't agree with all your stuff -- but what is being done to you all is 
despicable." The insular family of local radical lefties have way 
overplayed their hand -- this is always a danger when you demonize the 
opposition. For example, if I were to find out that Tom Hansen respects and 
admires Robert E. Lee, this would not make Tom a slavering orc.

Again, the issue is the gospel. Jesus did not just die on the cross for our 
sins, He died to save the world, and this means establishing the ground of 
forgiveness for what we like to think of as our virtues. Some sins are just 
plain vices -- but others are well-disguised and they wear the clothing of 
respectability. A crusade to rid the town of conservative Presbyterians has 
been sold to some in our community, and it has been sold to them as a 
virtuous and Tolerant Activity. But Christ died so that we could be 
forgiven for those lies which we tenaciously  cling to and circulate. That 
includes the lies in current circulation.

Ah, someone will say. We are not trying to rid the town of conservative 
Presbyterians; we are trying to rid the town of neo-Confederates. But 
before you can rid the town of them, you have to find them. Or INVENT them. 
For all the googling that has been going on, why has no one on the left 
posted a link to Credenda's attack on neo-Confederate thinking? Wouldn't 
fit with the theory, perhaps?


Douglas Wilson